Monday, October 03, 2005

Blunt's Springfield stays draw disapproval

The Associated Press report that indicated Governor Matt Blunt spends only about a third of his nights at the governor's mansion and more than half of them at his Springfield home, has drawn some disapproval from editorial writers across the state, including one in the Sunday Neosho Daily News.
The Springfield News-Leader reported a while back that the governor and his family bought a new house in Springfield and apparently, they want to spend much of their time there.
If this was an effort by the governor to get closer to the people I wouldn't mind. Many of you will remember that former California governor Jerry Brown eschewed living in a mansion in favor of a small apartment, but somehow I can't see Matt Blunt mingling with his neighbors or shopping at the Wal-Mart Supercenter.
This is not President Bush spending his time at his ranch in Crawford, Texas; this is the governor of Missouri spending a ton of money on refurbishing the governor's mansion, then spending more money than most of us will see in a lifetime to buy another house and spend his time, with his contingent charging the gas prices between Jefferson City and Springfield to the taxpayer.
No wonder the governor's approval ratings are so low.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps someone on Blunt's staff should gently suggest telecommuting to him.

In these times of state budgetary crisis when the state is removing batteries from electric wheelchairs and other "non-necessities" from the grasp of the poor and disabled, it would save the state money. And by the way, why did he renovate the Governor's mansion if he wasn't going to live in it? That's just stupid.