Monday, October 03, 2005

New link added to 'Small Town News' site

Joplin Globe reporter Jeff Lehr's work has been overlooked for a long time, while flashier, but less professional writers have come and gone, but his reporting has always been professional and well-written.
Some of his best beat reporting took place after the robbery of the bank of Diamond and the disappearance of Diamond R-4 Superintendent Dr. Greg Smith on Oct. 31, 2001.
Those events (not Lehr's reporting) were the inspiration for my novel, "Small Town News," which was made available for advance order by the publisher, IUniverse, last week, and which will soon be available for order through local outlets.
For those who would like a refresher course on the events of Oct. 31, 2001 and the following days, the reporting, primarily done by Lehr, but also by other Globe reporters, is featured on a new links page on the Small Town News site.
I would have liked to have added the articles done by the Neosho Daily News' Michelle Pippin to the page, but as those of you in the Neosho area know, the Daily charges for access to its archives, so I am unable to provide those links.

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