Friday, November 03, 2006

Nodler seeks to capitalize on prejudice

You can make a strong argument for Sen. Gary Nodler's bill to make English Missouri's official language, but the Joplin Republican's television ad seeking to play up that proposal as a keystone of his reelection campaign appears to be aimed at some Missourians' baser instincts and deep-seated prejudice.
In the ad, Nodler says English needs to be the first language, "not Arabic, not Spanish, but English."
While I agree with the senator on the point, I have yet to see any push to thrust any Arabic language on Missourians and the comment about Spanish seems to be directed at some people who are prejudiced against Hispanics, both of the legal and the illegal variety.
I have been offended by many of the ads supporting candidates from both parties, but this has to rank right at the bottom as far as decency is concerned.


Anonymous said...

I don't want to sound snarky by saying this but I kind of think that the 'free market' would ensure that everybody coming to America is going to learn English eventually. Immigrants are not going to get very far without knowing the dominant language in our country.

Of course if it isn't bashing brown people then it would be bashing gay people.

Anonymous said...

Nope. He gets his jollies from bashing the disabled. They're the least able to fight back.

Anonymous said...

So when Nodler wins in a landslide next Tuesday, instead of admitting you are out of touch, you will just declare that the vast majority of voters in Southwest Missouri are bigots and of course you are better and smarter than all of them?

Randy said...

I am sure Nodler owes much of his political success to having gracious supporters like you behind him.

Anonymous said...

Randy will never admit that anyone is smarter or better than he. He's got the keys to all the kingdoms...just ask him.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for a disabled Latino kid who speaks Farsi to weigh in on this issue.
But in a more serious vein, being of Native American descent myself, I can't wait until Nodler and people of his ilk go back where they came from. After all, my tribal government certainly did not invite them here, and they certainly did not apply for a "green card," visa, or anything else when they arrived. Instead, my forebears helped them survive the first few tough years, only to have them to evict us from our homes and force us to march cross country, all so they could have our land. Then they kicked us off of the barren, rock strewn ground we were placed upon — ground only fit for raising ticks and scorpions — once oil was discovered there.
Is making English the official language of Missouree, Missouriah, whatever, really necessary? If the Latinos take over and we all start speaking Spanish, shouldn't that be considered just comeuppance?
Now that the shoe's on the other foot, folks like Nodler are finding it's an uncomfortable fit, as evidenced by this frivolous bill.
This area is similar to Ivory soap: 99 44/100 percent white. I don't see where hearing a little bit of Spanish in Wal-Mart should offend so many people's sensibilities.
This bill is race baiting, plain and simple.
Why doesn't Nodler go find some crippled kid in a movie theater to yell at? Or better yet, shut up and get a real job?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Don’t worry; Kim will be gone soon, at least from politics. Anyone that gets beat as bad as she will on Tuesday shouldn’t raise their head politically again.

Anonymous said...

I was leaning toward voting for Wright, but the more she runs around proclaiming "independent" she is the more confident I am in voting for Nodler. At least Nodler isn't afraid to let voters know what he thinks. Wright is a Democrat, funded by Democrats, who is afraid to campaign as a Democrat.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between letting people know what you think and bullying or attacking those who are unable to fight back for themselves. It is a strong indicator of a lack of character on Nodler's part. Those who approve of such a lack of character or moral fiber probably lack that quality themselves.

Anonymous said...

I pity all you people who did not know Gary when he was at the height of his glory. Way back when, Gary was a "gofer" for a drunken sot named Gene Taylor and, at that time, his head was the largest part of his body. This insufferable little twit wasn't into kicking criples back then but was well into berating and put downs of anyone he considered to be lower on the "food chain" than he was.

Anonymous said...

Wright's attack machine is doing the impossible and making Nodler sympathetic. Congrats to the last two posters. You just pushed my vote into the Nodler column.

Anonymous said...

I laughed outloud with the thought of Kim Wright having an "attack machine". She has ran a race of wanting to discuss the issues, not the personalities. Anyone who has spent time with her recognizes that she truly is an independent in her politics. Get the facts, and then you will know to Vote Wright!

Anonymous said...

Don't be ridiculous. If it took so little to feel sorry for poor widdle Nodler, its obvious you were going to vote for him anyway.

Anonymous said...

In just a few hours it will be clear. Either those attacking Nodler will be proven correct by his defeat or proven incorrect by his victory, unless it is a landslide, then they will be proven idiots!

Anonymous said...

I could say something here that you really wouldn't want to hear...