Sunday, November 12, 2006

Post-Dispatch offers examination of McCaskill's winning race

An article in today's St. Louis Post-Dispatch offers a look at Claire McCaskill's successful race for U. S. Senate from beginning to end, including this bit of information:

"In the Springfield debate, Talent changed everything about who I thought he was as a candidate," McCaskill said. "And I made the decision in the Kansas City debate to call him out on it. That wasn't who he was." McCaskill started the debate by apologizing for an earlier remark she'd made calling Talent a "false patriot." She also called Talent a "good man" who "doesn't really believe" what he was saying about her or her husband. "When I did it, he looked as uncomfortable as I think he felt," she said. "I felt like from Springfield on, Jim Talent wasn't making the decisions in his campaign."

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