Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Dionne: Thompson entry may not stop Romney tide

New York Times columnist E. J. Dionne believes Fred Thompson's decision to delay his entry into the race has worked to the advantage of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.
In his latest column, Dionne says he believes Romney may be the candidate Democrats should fear running against:

"Romney knows that his very skill at political positioning could also be his undoing. Still, when he was asked about healthcare, Romney rebuked conservative orthodoxy: He insisted that 'tax exemptions' were not enough to cover the uninsured because 'the people that don't have insurance aren't paying taxes.'

"As a rule, Republicans don't think much about people too poor to pay a lot in taxes. It's another reason why Romney could pose a serious danger not only to Giuliani, McCain, and Thompson, but also to the Democrats."



Anonymous said...

Romney...who recently told an audiance that his sons chose not to go to Iraq but they are serving their country by helping him to get elected President. Said it with a straight face. Serious as Sunday School.

Anonymous said...

Much of my family is Mormon, including my beloved late grandparents, and I can tell you in all seriousness, I can't vote for one. I'm not trying to be prejudice against a religion in any way. It's just that the "facts" behind the Mormon church have been so thoroughly debunked (I mean the Bible may be made up too, it's just impossible to find out since it's been around for so long) that to seriously consider voting for someone who follows the LDS faith so blindly and unquestioningly scares me.