Saturday, August 23, 2008

McCaskill: Biden is a pot roast and potatoes kind of guy

Though she was not chosen as the vice presidential candidate, there appears no doubt that Sen. Claire McCaskill will continue to be a top surrogate for Barack Obama.

Tonight, during an appearance on CNN's Larry King Show, Sen. McCaskill praised the choice of Joe Biden as Obama's running mate. "Joe Biden is a real pot roast and potatoes guy. He knows how to fight."
When Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida, speaking for the McCain campaign, talked about Biden's criticisms of Obama during the primaries, Ms. McCaskill responded by noting that Americans had a choice between a new direction with Obama and Biden and sticking with the same folks who brought us the last eight years.

"If you want four more years of what we've got," she said, mentioning an administration that favors big oil and tax breaks for the wealthy, "you should vote for John McCain."

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