Monday, August 25, 2008

Missouri Republicans blast McCaskill on opening night of convention

Horning in on Claire McCaskill's big moment at the Democratic National Convention, the Missouri Republican Party just issued the following news release:

“Tonight Claire McCaskill will address the very liberal delegates of the Democrat National Convention. She will no doubt fail at achieving the impossible - convincing Missourians and Americans that the Obama/Biden ticket understands their needs and the challenges our country faces,” said Tina Hervey, communications director, Missouri Republican Party. “It is no wonder Claire asserted thatthe low performance of the vacationing Democrat-controlled Congress ‘it is not as bad as it seems’ – she’s more worried about taking her kids to see Kanye West[1] than addressing issues that impact Americans’ lives. Claire and Kanye have a great deal in common. Kanye claimed that George Bush doesn’t care about black people and Claire thinks George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black. Disappointing, ridiculous and hurtful rhetoric that divides rather than brings people together”

Senator McCain’s vision for our country including lower taxes and a strong national defense are in stark contrast to the tax-and-spend liberalism of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Missourians are confident that John McCain is the best person to secure the future prosperity and security of both our country and our state.

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