Thursday, October 02, 2008

Palin rips media again

Sarah Palin came across as rehearsed, even her seemingly spontaneous lines, and she made a point during her closing statement of making it sound like her problems with verbal missteps during the past several days are the fault of that pesky old media.

That being said, despite the rehearsed deliveries, expectations were so low for the governor that she came out a winner simply by mot making any missteps.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, though obviously well prepared, did not sound scripted, except for one joke about something being "a bridge to nowhere." Biden made his case in a polite manner and was not condescending toward Mrs. Palin, something which would have been disastrous.

Both sides came out winners, which means the final vote will come down, as it should, to John McCain and Barack Obama.


Midwest Mom said...

I have a couple of questions:

What person, even if their name is Joe and they drink beer, actually would hear someone refer to "Joe Six-pack" and say -- "Hey! They're talkin' bout me!"

Answer: no one.

What seemed more genuine, more straightforward "straight talk", Palin's constant wide-eyed stare into the camera, winks, and 'gosh-darnits' or Joe Biden getting understandably choked up *once* when he talked about really understanding what it means to move because there's no work and understanding what it means to be a single parent or to lose a loved one?

Answer: Biden.

What was the most shameful moment of the debate?

Answer: When Sarah Palin looked a man in the eye whose grown son is headed to Iraq and accused him of "waving the white flag of surrender." As a Mom, I wanted to reach through the TV and shake her. That she could talk about such a thing with that smile and turn a serious issue into a one-liner made me finally understand that she does not take the life-and-death issues of Iraq seriously. They are just another election-year "applause line" for her. A more shameful sound-bite was not uttered during the debate.

I think Joe Biden was informative and respectful throughout the debate. He had a good command of facts. He was firm without taking any cheap shots. He was genial.

I thought Sarah Palin was a beauty contestant. I thought she was auditioning for a television job instead of the Vice Presidency. She showed confidence and composure (no implosion, thank goodness for her), but her bright, smiling demeanor showed that she took joy in discussing some of the most serious issues of the day. She lacked gravity and a strong knowledge base. And she avoided answering a good number of questions.

IMO the only people Sarah Palin convinced last night were John McCain supporters who were starting to quail (wondering, understandably, why their candidate hadn't chosen Romney instead.)

Anonymous said...

You are soooo wrong!! Biden was found to be rude and condensending. Did you not notice his cheap wide mouth smiles and the shaking of his bald head anytime Sarah brought up the fact that just 3 months ago Biden himself downed Obama and said he couldn't lead. It is amazing that you would miss such a thing.

I also believe you must not read much about Palin or you would know that she takes the war very seriously considering her 18 year old son is now in Iraq. He unlike Biden son is serving on the front lines and in the line of fire. Biden son is not he will be held up in an office far away from the dangers of war.

Palin did smile at the camera and made eye contact and why would we down her for that? Should she have just stood there and not looked at the camera and frowned the whole time. She made the approriate facial expressions at the approriate times. She sensed that Biden was talking out of both sides of his mouth and contradicted himself with every other word.

Biden is the one who should be looked at with a very close eye. Can you not remember that he was one of the most outspoken Democrats against Obama. He can be quoated time and time again saying that Obama is not for change and he is not ready to lead this country amoung many many other things. Biden didn't want to debate Palin because he knew he couldn't win if he did. He choose to center his attacks with the current adminstration and point the finger at them. Anytime he was asked a question he referred back to the Bush adminstration.

If you want a Obama and Biden adminstration I hope you like the gas prices now because they will be going way up come next January since Obama doesn't seem to see the problem with a 3 and 4 dollar a gallon gas price. He thinks they should be around 7 or 8 dallors a gallon.

The one thing that Palin did last night was to convince America that a McCain/Palin ticket is the only way to go. Obama/Biden ticket would destroy America.

Anonymous said...

Palin's son is not serving on the front lines. He has been assigned a cush position away from his squad and platoon in the tactical operating command center (TOC). He was assigned to the battalion commander because of who hi mommy is.

If you don't know don't post lies!