Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dowd: Wilson, others won't accept black man as president

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd says that Joe Wilson yelling "liar" at President Obama during his healthcare speech was symptomatic of a bigger problem:

I tended to agree with some Obama advisers that Democratic presidents typically have provoked a frothing response from paranoids — from Father Coughlin against F.D.R. to Joe McCarthy against Truman to the John Birchers against J.F.K. and the vast right-wing conspiracy against Bill Clinton.

But Wilson’s shocking disrespect for the office of the president — no Democrat ever shouted “liar” at W. when he was hawking a fake case for war in Iraq — convinced me: Some people just can’t believe a black man is president and will never accept it.


Anonymous said...

Maureen must be kidding!!! You actually take seriously ANYTHING she says...and further disgrace your own forum by quoting her

God help you, need to have a heart to heart talk with some adults...maybe your parents

Busplunge said...

good observation here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Randy, go thank your parents. They obviously gave you the ability to think for yourself and outside the narrow Southwest Missouri view.

Anonymous said...

maybe outside "narrow" Southwest Missouri would be a good place for Randy... love the respect you have for us in this "narrow" place....Randy is such a world traveler, it's great that he's trying to widen our little narrow world.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Democrats heckled and booed Bush pretty often - including the SOTU. Just do a quick YouTube search. Hell, Harry Reid called Bush a liar and loser - IN PRINT! He deliberately called the POTUS a liar unlike Joe Wilson who acted in the heat of the moment. Of course, none of that beats your buddy Clinton. He was called a liar - by the courts!

judi l said...

Maureen has stated the obvious, like the little kid who pointed out that the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes. I grew up in Oklahoma; my family roots are in SW Missouri, and I remember 60 years ago when that area was full of Sundown Towns. Not everyone demonstrating against President Obama has this trait, but a lot of them do. Last month I was in Arkansas, where I went to college. Confederate flags for sale everywhere. The anger is way out of proportion to the stated objections to higher taxes, more government involvement (not a takeover) in health care, etc. Unfortunately, Maureen has nailed it.

Anonymous said...

Typical of liberals to twist this around into... (yawn)... more racist BS. While fervently *fighting* racism, they only stoke it by playing it up every time someone, God forbid, doesn't agree with The Prophet.

Sure, Mr. Wilson shouted "liar" because he's a closet racist and hates black people. Sure. No doubt his comment had NOTHING to do with the potential TRILLIONS the Democrat's proposed healthcare plan will cost this country, and nearly double again a deficit that The Prophet has already doubled with the boondoggle that is the so-called "stimulus" plan.

But no. It has nothing to do with THAT. He's just a racist. Pure and simple.

(chuckling at Democrat's sheer stupidity)

Boy, it's gonna be a bloodbath when the Republicans sweet seats in both the House and the Senate next year. Ouch!