Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Roy Blunt: He'll work for Missouri, not Barack Obama

Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt makes full use of President Obama's recent visit to campaign for Robin Carnahan for U. S. Senate.

In his latest advertisement, Blunt, Ms. Carnahan's likely opponent in November, again uses the "Rubber Stamp Robin" label and uses fear of Barack Obama as his selling point:


Unknown said...

well, it didn't take long for the negative campaigning to start. The first commercial was about parents and college and being a college president...all good things. Now...it's negative. I will vote against negative and invite everyone that reads this to vote against candidates that go negative instead of pointing out their own records. Same ole same ole...it never changes.

Unknown said...

and while I'm railing against negativity...Mr. Blunt, do you feel so threatened that you have to stoop that low at this point in the campaign? Desperation??