Wednesday, August 04, 2010

KY3 interviews Long, Eckersley after victories

In an interview with KY3 following his win in the Seventh District Congressional Republican primary Tuesday, Springfield auctioneer Billy Long disagreed with the idea that he has no experience.

"I've got a lot of experience. I just don't have a lot of political experience," Long said.

Long also said, "We need to repeal and replace health care."

Democratic primary winner Scott Eckersley took a line against his party saying that he did not think he would have voted for the federal health care bill. "I and others have issues with the health care bill that was passed."


Anonymous said...

More talking points. Can't wait to hear more about the energizer turtle.

Anonymous said...

Save your signs, Goodman. This guy ain't gonna make it.

Anonymous said...

Nodler, do the righ thing and step up to help Long in Jasper and Newton Counties.

We need unity in the party and I seriously doubt the Goodman campaign will do anything to support a unified Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

anything Nodler does for anybody will just hurt...
stay out Gary... GET THE MESSAGE! You came in a POOR THIRD! WE DON'T WANT YOU.

JASPER COUNTY: Nodler... 4970 votes
Goodman/Long combined... 7,000

NEWTON COUNTY: Nodler... 3551
Goodman/Long... 5354


GREENE COUNTY (97% counted)
Long... 14,620
Goodman.. 7,794
Nodler.. 2,367

just retire and move to Florida!