Friday, January 07, 2011

BIlly Long to National Auctioneers Association News: Hopefully, we can defund Obamacare

The ascension of Billy Long to the House of Representatives is a big time event for National Auctioneers Association News. In an interview, the new Seventh District Congressman outlined his primary goal for his first session:

The first order of business is to repeal and replace health care, and as long as Obama is president you’re probably not going to repeal it. Hopefully we can work to defund health care.


Anonymous said...

BUT when you callthe Billy Long office in Wash. DC and ask if Billy the bafoon will vote no on Obamacare of course the answer is no..but if you ask if Billy the Bafoon will have gov. funded BoenerCare the answer is yes..we the taxpayer give Congress 700.00 @ month for Billy and his 30 person staff to pay for their ins. Remember this the next time Billy tells you you can't have Gov. backed ins. for your family.

Busplunge said...

next year, Billy gets an $8700.00 dollar raise, automatically.

Wonder if he considers that wasteful gov't spending?

Anonymous said...

Billy Long and his staff work for the government and in our current system, imperfect as it is (and in theory not changing with Obamacare), your employer pays for your health insurance.

Claiming this is government backed insurance is pointless misdirection.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:19 ---

Billy Long and his staff are employees of the government

The gov't gets the money to pay its employees from taxes.

I pay taxes.

Therefore I am paying for Long's health insurance when I can't afford my own?

Anonymous said...

I would have hoped that Long would have told the auctioneers something along the lines of:

I'm proud to represent Mo in the congress, I will work hard to be a good stewart of their insterests, etc.

Instead he just spouts off talking points.

The man is a media whore.

Anonymous said...

What is a "good stewart of someone's interest?" Is that like Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith goes to Washington" or maybe "Mr. Anonymous needs to go to spelling class?" Isn't it funny how your credibility goes to heck when you can't even articulate your position? Does Anonymous really wantto call Congressman Long a Hick? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?