Saturday, May 21, 2011

Obama weekly address offers thoughts on changing No Child Left Behind

In his weekly address, President Obama says all of the right things about fixing education, but everything he says appears to be contrary to what his administration is doing.

He talks about reforming education from the bottom up, not from the top down, yet his Race to the Top demands certain kinds of reform, primarily closing schools, firing teachers, and opening charter schools, three approaches which have shown no validity whatsoever.

The president started off on the wrong foot in his approach to education when he ignored educators with years of classroom experience to name Arne Duncan, who has only been in the classroom to visit, to head the Department of Education.

The words sound good, but we have heard them all before.


Told you so said...

Well Turner, what to say?

You went and got what you edumacatards wanted, and now all the younger [de]generation are a bunch of idiots and the national government and states are broke and there isn't any more credit left, and everything is screwed up because we listened to you liberals.

On the plus side, it looks like Randy Turner is wanting to find a new Half-Re-Kenyan AmurriKwan as 'president' with all manner of teleprompter skills and a photoshopped birth certificate. Millions of them just wanting to cum-cum to AmeriKwa -- TODAY -- as Neil Diamond sings. Just give any one of them a green card and I'm sure that the lucky [g]immegrunt can and will do as good of a job as Obongo. Just listen to edumacated liberal fools like Turner -- uh, NOT!!!

But, "Et tu, Randy?" Turning on pore Obongo the Affirmative Action president because he didn't fill up your gas tank or pay your rent and make white people have to pick up the tab. Such a deal and it looks like it turned a mite sour, due to circumstances beyond your control. Things like Reality, and stuff.

Anonymous said...

3:01 you have just proved why i'm a Democrat and damned proud of it.