Monday, March 05, 2012

Tilley: It's just liberals who are worked up about Limbaugh induction


Mikell Werder said...

No Mr. Tilley, It is not just liberals who are worked up about the Limbaugh induction. It is any decent man or woman who does not like name-calling, hateful and sexist remarks which were not warranted by Ms. Fluke in any way, shape or form. If liberals are the only ones who are appalled that you would include this hate-filled bigot in your honored Missourians, then that speaks very well for liberals and not well at all for conservatives. How would you feel if your daughter, sister, wife or mother chose to speak about healthcare and was called a slut, a prostitute, and had it suggested by Limbaugh that she put an aspirin between her knees for birth control. He also stated that he was surprised that she could even walk because she must be having so much sex that the taxpayers were paying for. If you consider that type of trash something that a person should be honored for, you are also a very questionable person to be in charge of choosing these honorees. I am personally appalled at both Rush Limbaugh for being the hate-filled, nasty person he is and at you for not only apparently approving of the garbage he spews, but by feeling the need to honor him along with the Missourians who really should be honored.

RedHawk said...

I absolutely agree with Mikell Werder. Well said, and thank you. Speaker Tilley is incorrect.