Monday, April 02, 2012

Link provided to details of latest sex charge against Kanakuk staffer

For the second time in three years, a trusted Kanakuk staff member has been charged with sex crimes involving underaged boys.

The grisly details of the allegations against Lee Bradberry, 22, Auburn, Ala., are spelled out in probable cause statements filed by the Taney County Sheriff's Department.

The crimes were allegedly committed against boys aged 12, 10, and 9.


Anonymous said...

It is obvious they do not have a very good screening process. It sounds like this camp needs to be closed. I would never send my kid there under any circumstances. The churches that support this camp need to distance themselves as far away as they can.

Ross said...

How would you catch this in a screening process? I think the change that needs to happen is to eliminate ANY one-on-one counselor/camper contact. But to think that something will show up in a background check or interview of an 18-year old pedophile is crazy. I'd say that to RELY on your screening procedures, rather than strict observation of the staff WHILE KIDS ARE PRESENT, would be negligent.