Monday, July 23, 2012

Comment to Turner: It's a shame you weren't trapped like a dog in Aurora shooting

I never cease to be amazed by the civility of the internet. My posts over the weekend drew some thoughtful comments on both sides of the issue (which is essentially, why don't we do something about people having easy access to the kinds of weapons that no reasonable person needs for protection or to hunt) I was writing about. However, there is always one, sometimes more than one when I really get people ticked off who make me worry even more about the kinds of dangerous people who have access to weapons. Under the name "Turner Ain't Even Rational," the commenter wrote the following:

The shooter was dealing with a herd of sheep with no means to defend themselves. So a lot of them were killed. I'm sure that what the shooter did was illegal. That didn't seem to discourage him overmuch.

I fail to see why promoting policies contrary to the Constitution and Bill of Rights regarding getting to privately defend yourself is "reasonable." All you do on this blog is whine about how in a decaying civilization nobody much listens to you and how your do-gooder notions at the expense of others really need to be listened to. They don't.

A pity that an idiot like yourself wasn't trapped like a dog without the means to defend yourself in Aurora Colorado. Not that it matters because you simply are not rational, much less "reasonable." There are animals about who love to kill other animals and spouting silliness about "there ought to be a law against . . . defending yourself" doesn't cut it. Rational men well aware of the current reality defend themselves by any means necessary and don't bother to argue the point of enhancing personal survival with liberal nitwits claiming to be 'reasonable' who are nothing of the sort.

Oh well, none of my kind were there to get shot. Animals killing other animals is really none of my concern. Reload, ready, fire, aim . . .

It  certainly is reassuring to me that our laws allow this person easy access to guns. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People who routinely go to the movies shouldn't have to worry about being gunned down in their seats like sitting ducks in a shooting gallery. As you suggest, this commenter seems every bit as dangerous as the guy who actually did the killing the other day in Colorado. Is this the NRA's new strategy for silencing its critics - just lock them up in a room and shoot them all? No, this commenter is not to be trusted with a gun under any circumstances. Rick Nichols.