Thursday, October 18, 2012

Small Business Owners for Romney coalition unveiled

(From the Missouri Republican Party)

This morning, Congressman Sam Graves, Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, and Senator Jim Talent, former Chairman of the House Small Business Committee,unveiled the Missouri Small Business Owners for Romney Coalition.  They were joined by Kathy Swan, a small business owner from Cape Girardeau.
A recording of the conference call is available here.
Here are some highlights:
Congressman Sam Graves:  “Since 7 out of every 10 jobs in this country is small business-created, if the economy’s not moving forward, it’s because small businesses aren’t… These businesses are just sitting there, holding back, waiting to see what’s going to happen, so if they aren’t moving forward, the country isn’t going to move forward… You’d think that small business would be the priority of this president and the current administration, because so many jobs are created there, but yet he continues to look the other way or implement policies that do nothing but hurt them… We have to change course, and we cannot afford four more years of this stagnation.”
Senator Jim Talent: “We have a real choice before us in this election for small business employees as well as small business owners between continuation of policies that have suppressed the recovery and killed jobs around the country—and a candidate who understands how business operates, who has experience in growing businesses, and whose agenda will produce jobs all over the country.”
Business owner Kathy Swan: “This uncertainty in this economic climate in which we live has really made small business owners skittish—skittish to hire new people, to invest for any capital improvements, much less to invest in expanding any business opportunities because of that uncertainty… We need a president that understands business, will implement pro-growth policies, will reform the tax code, so we can hire more people, increase the economic output in this nation, and get us back on the right path.”

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