Saturday, January 18, 2014

Liberty Republican explains why he thinks term limits should be changed

In his latest report to constituents, Rep. Myron Neth, R-Liberty, explains his bill which would change Missouri's current term limits, and judging from his tone, he is not happy with people who are questioning his motives.

As you may or may not know, I recently filed legislation to give the voters a choice to modify term limits in Missouri. For those of you that I represent, you probably received a flyer in the mail last week criticizing my term limits proposal. While somewhat misleading, this flyer sparked responses from many constituents, most of which have been unfavorable to this legislation.  
 I have attempted to respond to those that contacted me regarding this issue by sending an editorial outlining my arguments for the change along with a list of facts about term limits, both prior and after they were implemented. Although I attempt to present legitimate points and evidence in support of my proposal, I am again surprised by the close-mindedness of individuals unwilling to listen and understand the reasoning behind this legislation. Most of those opposed to me insist that their opinions are the only opinions, and for the most part, that I am an idiotic politician only wishing to further a political career.
 Although I cannot prove it to you now, I promise you that I have no desire to stay in politics long term. Instead, I have the goal to better government and the possibility that elected representatives in Missouri are able to excel at their positions while serving in the legislature. To do this, we need legislators who concentrate on the interests of their constituents, rather than pondering their next step politically or career-wise. We also need to lessen the power of lobbyists and special interests in legislature. Ironically, term limits have steadily increased the power of lobbyists due to the fact that they have been around longer than most legislators and are more knowledgeable about legislative issues. This creates a situation where legislators seek out lobbyists for information, thus making lobbyists' influence even more powerful. At the same time, we need to ensure that lawmakers do not become entrenched and out of touch by allowing voters to elect those whom they feel best represents them but also keep term limits intact.
 To my critics, I understand where you are coming from and you make some good points. However, until you are in my shoes or something similar, it is ignorant for you to quickly assume that I have ulterior motives for modifying term limits rather than simply seeking to improve our legislature. And for those of you that were very abrasive and believe you can do a better job than me, there is an upcoming election. I welcome you to throw your hat in the ring and go for it.
 Forgive some of my bluntness and strong tone at times. However, the longer I am in my position, and I can promise even when I am not, I will always work to relate to our elected officials and the unique challenges that face them.  And although I may not always agree with someone in office, I will always look to respect where they are coming from. I would suggest that there are many sides to an argument and, in most cases, validity on both sides even though there may be disagreement between the parties involved. 


Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that our government has proven for the most part to NOT be the friend of the people I would say you have selected a poor time to increase term limits. I say show us what good you can do in the time you have and THEN we will consider letting you stay longer or run again. For now i see no benefit to the people in keeping anyone on a longer term. So in the end i say SHOW ME what you can do before you ask to stay longer.

Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that our government has proven for the most part to NOT be the friend of the people I would say you have selected a poor time to increase term limits. I say show us what good you can do in the time you have and THEN we will consider letting you stay longer or run again. For now i see no benefit to the people in keeping anyone on a longer term. So in the end i say SHOW ME what you can do before you ask to stay longer.