Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Showdown over C. J. Huff power grab coming in September

Prospects that a brazen power grab proposed by the C. J. Huff Administration will be challenged in September grew Tuesday night when board members Jim Kimbrough, Debbie Fort, and Lynda Banwart questioned another policy change that had been suggested.

As noted in an earlier Turner Report post, Kimbrough questioned Chief Operating Officer Tina Smith about a change that would remove the board's Finance Committee from board policy. The Finance Committee has been an irritant to Huff since Debbie Fort was placed on the committee.

Huff insisted that just because the committee would no longer be included in the policy, that did not mean that the board couldn't have a finance committee. "This is not C. J. Huff saying we don't need a finance committee," he said.

The matter, which was on its second reading, was tabled.

Another policy item that was tabled after questioning by Kimbrough involved changes to the staff conduct portion which removed wording that allowed coaches to wear shorts and other personnel, including custodians, to wear clothing that was more in line with their duties.

Smith said, "We can reword it so it makes sense."

Fort noted that her employer, Missouri Southern State University, allows employees to wear
bluejeans every Friday and wondered why it would not be possible to do the same for R-8 employees. At the present time, they are only allowed to do so on Eagle Pride days, which are normally held the Friday closest to payday.

Board President Annie Sharp bristled at the notion of teachers wearing bluejeans every Friday. "Our teachers are professionals and we all know they act differently when they aren't dressed professionally."

That logic appeared to stun Kimbrough, who said if that is the case "then why is it OK to do it one day a month?"

Fort said it may be a small thing, "but it's a big deal to the teachers."

No action was taken on that, but the fact that board members were challenging these items could be an indication that Huff's moves to strip the elected board of its powers to hire and fire support personnel and set their salaries, as well as salaries for administrative staff may be in for an uphill battle at the September meeting.

Those policies were advanced to second reading as part of the consent agenda, but will come up for discussion next month.


Anonymous said...

It always astounds me that people are so shallow as to think the way you dress defines you. I wonder what Ms. Sharp thinks about tattoos, gages, or anything not white middle class?

I guess if we all had her kind of money and professionalism (what does she do professionally anyway) we could all dress like she did (in a denim dress and free district polo if I remember right) on opening day.

Anonymous said...

WHAT?? You can not be professional when you wear jeans??? Someone help this woman come out of the dark ages.

Anonymous said...

I want to thank the board members who stood up and asked questions. As to the idiotic dress professionally act professionally debate, this is ludicrous. If a teacher feels that shorts are appropriate in a classroom, the district has far more problems with that teacher than their clothing. Personally, I would rather a teacher or staff member be neat, clean and comfortable than prohibit their wearing jeans. I also found it ironic that Miss Sharp and CJ Huff were dressed in casual wear and the room was filled with administrators wearing casual wear (particularly the advertising tee shirts) while admonishing the employees for wearing jeans. By the way, who pays for all the advertising wearables? You can't pay people poor wages, avoid giving raises, then expect your employees to dress in Armani suits. Too stupid. Miss Sharp is clueless. While I don't doubt her sincerity about the students in the district, she's been on the BOE for too long and needs to be replaced. She doesn't know what it is to budget or make it on your own. She's "made it" through inheritance. I also didn't appreciate Huff's smirk and inference that outside "people" pick on him.

Anonymous said...

Remember when medical professionals wore only white uniforms/ jackets and no respectable clergy person would wear jeans to visit a sick person in the hospital?
Times are different than they were 45 years ago.
Anne appears to be following whatever script she was given. She needs a lesson in tact and diplomacy if she expects to be taken seriously. She seems angry.
I would rather have a "happy teacher in jeans" with a good attitude toward the students, than a brow beaten, "afraid of losing my job" "always watching my back" teacher in an expensive suit and fancy shoes.
Test scores might actually improve!

Anonymous said...

8:00 and 8:47 Well said. Somehow the focus has shifted from providing quality education for our children to Much ado about Nothing such as wearing jeans on Fridays. Ms. Sharp if that is all you are concerned about, you need to step down from the board. Board members, get your heads in the game and think about the children and the community. If you can't or won't put your own egos and personal agendas aside, get off the board. We need some folks willing to stand up for what is right.
(Thank you to those who are being ethical.)

Anonymous said...

I don't give a crap about blue jeans.....let's cut some positions at's the real obscenity

Anonymous said...

Perhaps if Joplin teachers were paid as much above the state average as their administrators are, they could afford more professional wear. As it is, they are paid way below the state average and haven't had a decent raise in six years while the Board and CJ have had a mighty fine time with their "might as well" spending. A casual day a week doesn't detract from businesses and banks, and I'm pretty sure other, more successful districts do this. Anne Sharp, if you're going to stand in front of us and say you care, then you should try to at least give us this, since it won't cost you a dime. Snap out of it and back up what you say.

Anonymous said...

Sharp has never had a job or kids what the heck does she know...just google childress trust she is loaded

Max Gipson said...

It is a slippery slope, JFK ruined the mens hat business when he didn't wear a hat at his inauguration. Denim Casual Friday is just one step from Pantless Fridays.