Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Strong story for Cavanna

As far as I could tell, KODE's Alan Cavanna was alone on a story about the possible shutdown of Carterville's Fire Department. Cavanna has had a string of strong stories lately and has been one of the saving graces of a news department that appears to be run on a shoestring.
Again, KODE has a lot riding on who it selects to take over Jimmy Siedlecki's post when Siedlecki moves on to Omaha to rejoin Malorie Maddox.


Anonymous said...

They have done a lot of good reporting lately. Alan is one of the best but the story they did about the effects of Meth was really good too. I think the girl from the morning show did that one.

Randy said...

I didn't get a chance to see that one. Hopefully, I will be able to catch a little more of the news from all of the local outlets now that I have a little more time on my hands.