It wasn't quite the success that the October 2005 signing for Small Town News was, but Saturday's signing for my novel Devil's Messenger at Hastings Books, Music and Video in Joplin went well. My understanding is that it was the second most successful book signing in the store's history, following the Small Town News signing.
As always, it was a pleasure to see a mix of folks ranging from current and former students and colleagues to old friends from the newspaper days and friends from the East Newton High School days.
I had an opportunity to talk with former Carthage Press General Manager and Managing Editor Ron Graber, who is upbeat despite the shabby way he was treated by GateHouse Media this week. I have no doubt Ron will wind up benefiting from this in the long run, and maybe even in the near future.
Thanks as always to my publicity director and former student at Diamond Middle School Michelle Nickolaisen, who helped lay the groundwork for the event and took photos, which will soon be available on this site and on the Devil's Messenger website.
And thanks to the staff at Hastings, which was extremely helpful and helped make the day a success.
For those who were unable to make the signing and wish to receive an autographed copy of Devil's Messenger, please contact me or Hastings, or check out the information at the book's website, and we will be sure to accommodate you.
(Photo: Michelle Nickolaisen and Alicia Bradley take a rare break during the Devil's Messenger signing.)
nobody cares
Obviously you must since you see the need to make the same worn out comment every time I post something about my book. If you are not interested, feel free to skip the post or make a comment that someone might actually want to read.
Snaps to Randy. (that means "I agree")
Randy, your photo's caption has 'singing' where you mean to have 'signing'
Thanks. I will correct that right now.
oh no, it was a singing... it was so exciting, Mr. T broke out into song & tapdance...
Then that one guy came along and nearly attempted to exorcise the book and the author... close call.
Anyways, I'm glad it went well and you sold a good portion of those books... I have pictures on my myspace, feel free to copy & use them!
Thanks. I will check that out.
Wow....those two are real lookers......YIKES! Jesus Christ...they got beat with the whole ugly tree.
LMAO! That's funny, since really all I hear is the opposite. seriously dude, how sad are you? "let's get on the internet and insult 18 year old girls that we've never met!"
haha. but yeah. Mr. T burst into song and dance. it was pretty funny. in between that and the attempt exorcism Alicia mentioned, it was a pretty entertaining time...
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