Friday, July 11, 2008

Donnelly launches ad campaign

Attorney general candidate Margaret Donnelly launched her television advertising campaign today, according to a news release issued moments ago by the campaign. The news release reads as follows:

Democratic Attorney General Candidate Margaret Donnelly started her television ads this morning. It is the first part of a comprehensive media campaign that will continue through the August 5th Primary.

The ad highlights Donnelly’s twenty years in courtrooms focused on protecting children and families from predators, abuse, and neglect. As well as her six years in the legislature where she fought for tougher penalties for those who commit sexual assault and for those who commit fraud against seniors.

The commercial also mentions her awards and accomplishments fighting to protect Missouri’s most vulnerable including “The Guardian Angel Award” from the Family Support Network and “Child Advocate of the Year” from the Council on Child Abuse and Neglect.

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