The Taney County Prosecuting Attorney filed a motion Monday to protect the child witnesses expected to testify about former Kanakuk Kamp director Pete Newman when he comes to trial on felony sex charges. If Judge Tony Williams approves the state's motion, it will be one of the first times that Missouri's new Child Witness Protection Act, has been employed since it became law Aug. 28.
Newman is charged with two counts of sexual misconduct and single counts of statutory sodomy and sexual misconduct involving a child under 15. The Taney County prosecuting attorney has said that Newman's acts, all with underage boys, took place over a 10-year period.
The Child Witness Protection Act is printed below:
The “Child Witness Protection Act” was created in 491.725 RSMo. to give courts the discretion to make numerous changes to
court procedures to help prevent children from becoming confused, intimidated or harassed when they participate in court prceedings.
Some of the accomodations include changes to the oath required of witnesses to make it more easily understood by children, limiting the duration or timing of questioning, rephrasing confusing or harassing questions, changing the layout of the courtroom, or allowing the child to hold a toy, blanket or similar item during testimony. Perhaps most importantly, the court may designate a “support person” who may accompany a child to the witness box and remain near the child but who may not obstruct the defendant’s view of the child-witness or influence the child’s testimony in any way.
Previous Turner Report posts on Pete Newman can be found at this link.
(Randy Turner's new book, Newspaper Days, is available at Amazon.com.)
Hey Randy check out Ozarksfirst .com
It was my understanding that the majority of these children are now 16-20 years in age now. I'm not sure holding a toy while being questioned is going to apply here.
This 'revised' law is yet another way to allow the baby-stealers at Department of Family Services/Child Protective Services and the 'advocates' to coach and terrorize the children that they stole in order to testify against their parents. The US Supreme Court decided back in 2004 that no longer would the DFS and police be able to refuse to put children on the stand to testify against their parents by using a video deposition which they controlled. Eventually the results of that law was filtered down so now the 6th Amendment right to confront one's accusers was upheld in Missouri. So this new law is a means of allowing these baby-stealers and social services to continue to try to influence the testimony that they elicit, coach and coerce. In short, it allows those government workers who stole the children in the first place to be in the view of the stolen children to remind them that regardless of what the kid says, that they still will be in the foster-care system and can be punished until they are eighteen, and then shoved out to fend for themselves.
In short, this new law should be called the "Subornation of perjury of child witnesses by social workers and therapists" law, because that is what it will be used for. Because that is exactly what this law was designed to do, is to allow the social workers to keep their thumbs on the scales of justice in these court cases drawn up against those parents deemed unfit by the state to raise their own children to become probable enemies of the state.
Well, hopefully some day these very same tricks will be used against the perpetraitors who steal children today under color of law and the politicians who enable them. Let them get back what they dished out. I bet if I had control of their children I could make them say anthing against their former parents.
But Turner loves these sort of laws because he is against parents being able to counter-indoctrinate their own children. Turner foams at the mouth at parents getting to teach their own offspring independent of what those indoctrinators of State choice, the public school teachers get to do in order to make more liberal drones like themselves.
Plus, Turner is the one who wants these people accused to be pre-lynched in the news media so that they can't get an untainted jury.
9:36 sounds like a perp that got caught.
YEP, sure does! Exactly my thoughts!
So Randy, why are you content to keep the Pete Newman story going, but not willing to post about the perv band director that served in Joplin, Neosho, and Wyandotte?
I am not avoiding that story, and at some point I plan on writing about it, but this blog was the first one that wrote about Pete Newman and The Turner Report has been a place where people have gone to seek information about it.
Thanks for updating on the Newman story...this is the sole place I go for updates, so I appreciate your time and effort!
Randy - The next step is a hearing on the 17th for Pete Newman.
What does that do/establish?
Keep us updated this week as Mr. Newman heads to court on the 17th.
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