Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chart: A student discovered MSSU teacher's guilty plea to embezzling

All it took was a quick Google search for a Missouri Southern State University student to find out about a new instructor's criminal background.

Apparently, that search was considerably more than university officials did since the guilty plea of new accounting teacher Norman Katz to a charge of embezzling at least $129,000 from his former workplace was printed in the Canton, Ohio, newspaper earlier this year.

That information is included in another exclusive story by reporter Brennan Stebbins of MSSU's campus newspaper, The Chart:

Kevin Bujarski, a financing and marketing double major who transferred from Ozark Christian College last spring, told The Chart he did a Google search for Katz and discovered an article from Nov. 1 in The Canton Repository that mentioned Katz receiving permission to teach in Missouri.

Bujarski said he forwarded the article to his advisor and asked if he was aware of Katz's criminal background. The advisor reportedly said he wasn't and forwarded the message on to the department head.

On Monday, Bujarski was told by an accounting instructor that "my news was news," he said, and another instructor told him he had "created quite the chaos."

"I started getting the impression they didn't know," he told The Chart.

"From what I've heard they are appalled that they didn't find this out on their own and the kind of reaction I'm getting, I assume that most of the professors assumed he wasn't going to be sticking around, that there was a mistake made, obviously."


  1. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Kevin Bujarski for President.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    He couldn't do any worse than Speck, and he wouldn't cost us $220,000 plus a car and gasoline every year! At least Kevin has some common sense.

  3. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Please, if you do the right Google search, for example start with:

    Norman L. Katz McKinley Presidential Library

    And now that the story is out and big, limit it to before the publication of the first article on his crime, in this case up to October 31, then you'll for example see that the Chart published an article on September 12th mentioning his hiring.

    On the day this story broke I spent a number of minutes trying to find any evidence that his crime could have found before November 1st using Google and failed. You and they are criticizing MSSU for not having a time machine.

  4. Anonymous1:59 AM

    So the first thing Bujarski does to he would-be teacher is try to get them fired-wow, sound like a real stand up guy

  5. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I know what a Sbuj!
