Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Five questions Billy Long should avoid

When newly elected representatives were handed helpful manuals by second-in-command Eric Kantor, Billy Long did not need to read one of the sections- the one on how to handle the media:

“Certain members of the media will be looking to ‘ambush’ unsuspecting freshmen as they walk to the Capitol to vote. If it’s a contentious issue and you don’t wish to be interviewed, then take the tunnel,” (Rep. Greg) Harper, R-Miss advises in a testimonial letter under the “Wrap-Up” portion of the book with lessons learned in “hindsight.”

 Wise advice. Though it hasn't been confirmed, here is a list of potential questions that Long and his advisers are determined to avoid:

-Is there a Metropolitan Grill in D. C.?

-Nice weather we're having, isn't it?

-How about those Redskins?

-If Ida Lupino married Don Ho, would she be Ida Ho?

-Is that an earmark or are you just happy to see me?


  1. The manual also stresses that hiring members of the GOP is vital: “Hire Republicans: Loyalty Matters and it will be extremely difficult to engender loyalty if staffers are not committed to your philosophy. A non-Republican is likely to be unhappy working for you.”

    ah yes, party politics before what is best for your constituents?s

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    6. Any question regarding deficit spending.

    7. Any question regarding the proper role of government.

    8. Any question regarding plans to write, introduce and manage legislation through the process.

    9. An question about his leadership and ideas to create more jobs in America.

    10. Basically, Colonel Billy Long should just keep his mouth shut, except in the Longworth dining room.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Billy told some of the Metro crowd that his campaign manager would be in charge of his staff in the district.

    Is this the same guy who never blinked an eye when he attacked Jack Goodman's character in the primary election?

    If so, he'll be a high paid political operative who will work at taxpayer expense to work toward only one goal, a successful election of Mr. Long in 2012.


  4. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "How many times do you get back up to fill your plate at the average buffet?"

    "What's 2 + 2 - 2?"

    "What was the color of George Washington's white horse?"

    "What do you read to keep informed about the issues facing the United States?"

    Take the tunnel.

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Poor Billy have left us with so many ways to humor ourselves. It is so sad that we have to get our humor this way.
    It is going to be a long two years!

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Billy's always hung out with a bunch of loud-mouths like himself. You know, the 'and I'm not kiddin' guy; the Med-Pay crook; MMMMMMMMel; and many others.

    He's now in a place where the people are so much smarter than him, they will simply smile and him and bid him no opportunity to do anything othere than vote.

    Yes, it's going to be a long, long, long two years.

  7. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I used to listen to him on the radio when I would travel east on hwy60 to West Plains.

    I never did like his show but he kept me awake, so I guess there was some good in it.

    I remember especially one commercial he did for a company that 'cleaned' our your --oh what do they call that, that metal that your furnace --yeah DUCT Work.

    I don't think I would mind Long too much as our representative but it's just everything from "Hotdiggitydog" to "Will I wear the hat or not" does not meet my expectations of what I want my rep to be concerned with.

    Has anyone else noticed how much he talks about food?

  8. Anonymous4:00 PM

    One of the problems I see that caused this problem is that many people voted Republican because they couldn't or didn't see a good alternative.
    I think we have such an apathetic and/or ignorant voting population that decisions are made by the ads on T.V.
    In my opinion, those ads are based on untruths, spin, and nothing but words that confuse those apathetic and ignorant just mentioned.
    What to do!

  9. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The answer will always be 'Hot Diggity Dog'.

  10. Anonymous6:21 PM

    RE Anon 8:25 - I watched as Long's campaign manager told a reporter to "F*** off."

    Stay classy, Billy.

  11. Anonymous7:25 PM


    Wish I'd hve been there. I believe I could teach Reding some manners with one punch.

    In reality, I'll bet he is as big a puss as is Long.
