Friday, April 27, 2012

Cynthia Davis still against summer school meals: Children should not be institutionalized

As she continues her move toward becoming the Casey Stengel of Missouri politics, former Rep. Cynthia Davis, a candidate for lieutenant governor on the Constitution Party ticket, relived the moment that shot her into the national spotlight in 2009.

From Jason Hunsicker's article in today's Kirksville Daily Express:

Davis earned national attention in 2009 when, while serving as chairperson of the House Children and Families Committee, she attacked a government program coordinated by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services that provides food to low-income children during the summer.
Thursday, she said “people pushing the left-wing ideology will use children as human shields to protect more government spending. But, I’m a big champion of the family, and I believe children are best served when they have their mom and dad feed them meals, not when they’re institutionalized.”
Asked to explain what she meant by “institutionalized,” Davis said these programs weakened families by pulling children away from the home for food and was “treating them like a herd of cattle.”

Mrs. Davis still doesn't understand that not all children have loving families or families that can afford to provide them with three square meals.


  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    This woman is dangerous!!

  2. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Most folks get smarter over time. Not Cindy.

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    she is absolutely correct.

  4. Anonymous7:31 AM

    This woman is a patriot! We need more people like her in all levels of government.

  5. Anonymous10:17 AM

    A parent not feeding their child is neglect. With private food pantries as well as govt. programs such as WIC and food stamps readily available, there is no excuse for a a parent not to feed their children. Any parent who chooses to spend their resources on other things before feeding their children should have those children removed from their home.

  6. Yes, there are many people in this country who can't feed lunch to their children during the summer months. Many of our working poor can't be there at that time, and can't afford babysitting services. It's not always a matter of poor choices, Anonymous. Clearly you've never suffered from grinding poverty.

  7. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Where do you think the children removed from their homes will go, to YOUR home? It's terrible that not all parents can afford to feed their kids outside of the school year, but who else will take responsibility? We need these programs--Cynthia Davis is a fool for thinking otherwise.
