Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Joplin Globe columnist/blogger: Randy Turner's supporters need to have their heads examined

I sometimes wonder if blogger and frequent Joplin Globe columnist Anson Burlingame has only four sources for information on education- his time as a substitute teacher, whispered conversations with C. J. Huff, the Turner Report, and his favorite book The Bell Curve.

Burlingame appears to believe that the only people who agree with him are those who post anonymously on this blog. If he would broaden his reading material and look at what people have written about Huff in other places since the Jennifer Martucci Facebook posts and last night's blowup at the Joplin R-8 Board of Education meeting, he would know that others are putting their names to thoughts about Huff's boorish behavior that are similar to what I have written.

A few moments ago, Burlingame lashed out at me, Turner Report readers, and Ben Field, a frequent commenter on Burlingame's blog in a post..

But then I turned to this morning’s Turner Report to find a scathing article accusing Dr. Huff of abusing women and numerous anonymous supporters agreeing with him. Sickening to say the least and if any member of the BOE believes Turner and his gang have any real contributions to make to our public schools then you are as nuts as this jerk Ben Fields that continues to hang around this blog.

As far as I am concerned, any Turner supporter, be they teachers, students, BOE members or people in the administration simply need to have their heads examined and if his voice is used to promote change in our public schools then I will resist such changes as best I can, all the time.

So the BOE in its entirety, to move forward you must earn my trust at least that you have no relationship with Randy Turner or his anonymous supporters be you teacher, student, parent, administrator or for sure a member of the BOE or a wanna-be member as well, Jim Kimbrough. Turner has accused Dr. Huff of cheating on his taxes, now being an abuser of women, a liar, a cheat of all sorts, and the list goes on. If people that support such positions have any significant voice in how our BOE conducts business then this BOE will NEVER unite this community, period.

I will correct Burlingame on one thing. I have never accused C. J. Huff of cheating on his taxes. Some comments on my blog have speculated about that, considering the secrecy and evasions which have surrounded his paid speaking engagements, but I have never written that.

As far as the other things Burlingame has mentioned, I have not only written about those things, but I have provided substantial evidence to prove them and C. J. Huff has provided the evidence for what I wrote this morning with his behavior both in and out of board meetings when dealing with Debbie Fort and Jennifer Martucci.

Burlingame concludes his long tirade with this:

One other point. The BOE should NOT have to endure another 3-3 split to fill the vacant seat. That is the first challenge for the team of Koch and Banwart, two people I really want to learn to trust, to make sure that does not happen. Jim Kimbrough is very much an AHA (Anti-Huff Administration) and he garners support from the Turner gang as well. Add him to the BOE and you will have a 4-3 split and all manner of harm may well come the way of public education in Joplin if either an AHA or a SR8 (Support R-8) majority is set in place. We need another Banwart as the 7th member of our BOE but I don’t know anyone able right now to fill that role.

Burlingame appears to be one of C. J. Huff's last lines of defense and appears to have stuck to Huff's talking points in the excerpts above.

He also appears to have no clue whatsoever about what is going on in education, locally or nationally.


  1. Anson is just a know nothing windbag nothing new here.

  2. Anonymous5:21 PM

    No wonder he likes Huff--they're both full of themselves.
    And we DON'T need another Banwart.

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Wow! And I thought HUFF could throw a tantrum! Anson is feeling the heat of being on a sinking ship.

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Perhaps he is right. After watching my boss, the superhero of the tornado, during the election and during last night's meeting, I think I must need my head examined if I stay in R8. In fact, I filled out an application today for another district so as not to have to wonder any more what my job will look like from one day to the next. It's a pity I wasted so much time waiting on the Board to take responsibility. I can't wait any longer.

  5. Anonymous5:41 PM

    1st a guy that still backs David Wallace and CJ Huff should not be telling us our heads need examined. I think David Wallace has been a crook for 20 years and CJ Huff a failure as a Superintendent. Thank you very much Mr Burlingame but I have the right to my own opinion.

  6. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Uff's Turds roll out new campaign to win the hearts and minds of those paying the bills and taking the abuse where the schemes hit reality.

    "I am rubber, you are glue. Anything you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!"

    Also announced today- Joplin Glub will have multiple entries for this years Wurlitzer Prize.

  7. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I could care less if the board ever agrees on anything. I would say too much agreement has caused our current state. I want our kids to have a better education, that may require some friction.

  8. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I miss Angie.... sort of.

  9. Anonymous6:54 PM

    So tell me again how Randy Turner is the cause of the problems that CJ Huff brought on himself? If anyone with half a brain watched the 5 hour debacle called the BOE meeting saw CJ Huff dig that big ol' hole himself. Randy Turner wasn't anywhere around him when he did that, so blaming him for reporting what occurred during that meeting is unfair. He seems to be the only one brave enough to actually report on the facts and put it on paper so to speak. Carry on Mr. Turner, you are doing a great service to the people of Joplin.

  10. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Anson needs a hug. Poor thing.

  11. Us Antsson-Tards are dumber than Turner-Tards8:56 PM

    Mind over matter, Turner-tards. Since we have no mind it should not matter.

    So there. Told you.

    1. Anonymous3:16 AM

      Congratulations Turner Tard guy. Your last post has secured your position as a top tier follower of the Turner Report. Thus, from now on you will be knowm as Top Turner Tard, or T3 for short.

      We envy you this high honor T3.

  12. Anonymous3:41 AM

    By characterizing people as Anti-Huff or Support R8, Anson is employong the same Luntzian (Frank Luntz) tactics as Huff and his PR advisors. Framing any argument in one's own terms allows one to dictate the outcomes of that argument.

    So rather than debating substance and ideas let's cloud the issues with biased labeling. Those supporting the old BOE will be known as the Anti Child Cult or ACC. Those supporting the new improved progressive and loving tribute to all that is holy and good shall be known as the People's Choice Freedom Fighters! No abbreviation, and exclamation must always be used.

    PS. Anson shall henceforth be known as the Huff Minister of Propoganda and Reeducation for the Ignorant Peasantry, Esquire.

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Something to think about... whether you agree with Anson, Randy, CJ, etc. There should be an educated level of decorum. Some of the language used in this forum is shameful. The use of "Tard" is wretched. This term is a derogatory towards people with special needs. To use it in this forum shows the level of respect you have for ALL humans. Would you use this term at the Special Olympics? I hope not. If you cannot use language without discriminatory terms, go back to school or don't comment. You are more than welcome to agree or disagree with whomever, but bring valid, informative, and educated language. Otherwise, you look like a bigoted fool.

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Absolutely! Several of us have been giving this same speech, it falls on deaf ears. Shameful!

    2. Anonymous7:49 PM

      I'm with you. I felt like it was my turn to say it.

  14. Anonymous11:10 AM

    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
    Mahatma Gandhi

  15. Anonymous12:02 PM

    @ 7:26....Agreed!

  16. Anonymous8:54 PM

    People still read Anson's rants and ramblings?

    I stopped caring what he had to say when he started defending Wallace AFTER the bottom fell out of his pyramid scheme
