Thursday, October 31, 2019

Graves: President Trump's renewed focus on fighting radical Islamic terrorism is paying off

(From Sixth District Congressman Sam Graves)

Kayla Mueller, a 26-year old from Arizona, was working as a humanitarian aid worker when she was kidnapped by ISIS in 2013. For 18 months, Kayla was tortured and abused by ISIS.

Reportedly forced to marry their leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, she was one of four Americans murdered by ISIS—and one of thousands of innocent civilians slaughtered by al-Baghdadi and his band of depraved criminals.

For years following Kayla’s murder, al-Baghdadi’s criminal syndicate known as ISIS flourished in Syria and northern Iraq—enforcing their sick, twisted Sharia law and torturing and murdering as they saw fit. President Obama failed to defeat what he referred to as the “JV team” of terrorist organizations. Unlike President Obama, President Trump took the threat posed by ISIS—and radical Islamic terrorism as a whole—seriously from day one.

President Trump’s renewed focus on fighting radical Islamic terrorism is paying off. Vast swaths of Syria and northern Iraq once controlled by ISIS were recaptured—and ISIS’s territory has been reduced to just one percent of what it once controlled. This has greatly reduced ISIS’s ability to squeeze funding from the civilians it brutalized and its illegal oil sales, and, in turn, reduced their ability to carry out horrific acts of terrorism in Syria and around the globe.

This week, Kayla’s family and loved ones finally got some sliver of closure. U.S. Special Forces tracked down al-Baghdadi and cornered him with dogs in the tunnels under his compound. Terrified of being held accountable for his crimes, al-Baghdadi triggered a suicide vest, killing himself and two of his children. He died a coward, desperately trying to escape justice. However, we can all rest easier knowing there’s one less radical Islamic terrorist madman roaming the earth—and that he’ll face a justice far more powerful in death.

This fight isn’t over. This victory is not the end of radical Islamic terrorism, or even ISIS alone. Radical Islamic terrorism remains a threat to freedom and peace around the world. I pray we never lose sight of that—and that together, we will prevail in eradicating this scourge from the face of the earth—just like we did with al-Baghdadi this week.

Paul Richardson: Never mind the rose bush

I don’t know if all teenagers develop plans for escaping from the parents’ home during the hours after bedtime. At least some of the teenagers that have lived in my house did.

The classic television version is kids climbing out windows, down trellis’, landing in the flowers surrounding the idyllic home, followed by them scrambling through the rose bushes.

That was never a problem that I had to deal with. Primarily for the reason that I was quite introverted during my years prior to leaving home. In fact, an old schoolmate of mine, a girl that I had quite the crush on my freshman year, was a vendor at the fall festival a few years back. She wanted to introduce me to her husband as I was making my rounds through the festival on my motorcycle. 

After the introduction, he noted that he had heard a lot about me. Still hoping for validation of those freshman year daydreams, I had to know the general context at the very least. 

Following her stringent objections and my persistent assurance that I would be fine with whatever had been said, he finally stated, “She said that in high school you were somewhat of a nerd. I don’t find that to be an accurate description of you at all.” I assured him that her description was highly accurate and let the subject drop as she was scrambling through the rose bushes.

My teenage years were only marked by a couple late arrivals and by late I am not referring to a few minutes or even increments that can be measured in quarter hour intervals in order to flesh out the discussion; no. my late arrivals were in multiple hour increments. These happened late in my high school years, so their impact was minimal.

While I never fully developed a plan for escaping the house, I did have a couple in the works. 

One of my bedroom windows opened onto the back-porch roof, giving me easy access to the outside. That was as far as my plan got as jumping off that roof seemed filled with potential problems. 

I was to find out that living in a small town, not only did you have to escape the house, you also had to slip out of town. I validated this truth when during my college years, my parents and sister went on a two-week vacation. 

It turned out there were multiple people keeping track of my comings and goings. These observers seemed well trained in a manner that indicated this had been a long term and developed plan.

While slipping out of town was problematic, slipping into town deemed complex as the cars that I drove were unique and the only ones in the community. My dear mother had her own way of knowing when I was arriving as she would lay awake until my headlights swept across the house as I made my way home. At least I wasn’t scrambling through the rose bushes.

(Paul Richardson's column, The Horse I Rode On In, is published weekly in the Neosho Daily News, the Seneca News-Dispatch and on the Turner Report.)

Monday, October 28, 2019

Vicky Hartzler: Missourians deserve to have an open impeachment process

(From Fourth District Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler)

A few weeks ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced an impeachment inquiry against the president without a vote of the House nor following an established set of processes that were used in the past.

Now they are denying most Members of Congress the ability to know what is going on or to participate. 

As elected Members of Congress we all should have access to the full transcripts and information surrounding their investigations into the President, including attending the closed hearings and interviews.

Currently, democrats are hiding behind closed-doors interviewing individuals of their choice and denying Republicans the opportunity to call witnesses or speak about what they have heard. This dark process allows Democratic committee staff to selectively leak incomplete information to the press in order to help Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff build a narrative against a President his party has vowed to undermine since the day they took the majority.

This is a sham process and not right. The public deserves the right to know what is going on. The President deserves to have counsel there and cross examine witnesses like President Clinton and President Nixon did during inquiries. It’s a matter of due process and a matter of fairness.

The impeachment process is one of the most serious powers given by the Constitution to Congress. As such, the investigation being used to attempt to build yet another case against our President needs to be done in a transparent way where all constituencies are represented. The 746,000 Missourians I represent deserve to have that open process.

This is not about any one party or any one committee. I firmly believe that all members, from freshman Democrats to the highest-ranking Republicans need to have access to all the relevant information. As your representative I will keep advocating to be your eyes, ears, and voice on this very serious matter.

Jason Smith: Nancy Pelosi has unleashed crippling chaos on Congress

(From Eighth District Congressman Jason Smith)

Never before in our history has the House of Representatives pursued an unsanctioned impeachment investigation of a president.

Since launching the unilateral crusade against President Trump, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has failed to provide any institutional rules for these proceedings – a clearly partisan campaign in direct defiance of our democratic values of due process.

Worst of all, at a time when our congressional to-do list includes keeping the government open and functioning beyond November 21, the impeachment undertaking has unleashed crippling chaos in Congress.

It is not simply Republicans who are furious at what is taking place in the halls of Congress, but even members of the majority party are urging their leadership to regain sanity. Rep. Jeff Van Drew, D-New Jersey, is one such member. NBC News reported, "As Van Drew sees it, impeachment is a pointless, divisive exercise that will poison the well of bipartisanship and prevent Congress from taking up more important issues, like prescription drug prices and infrastructure."

I couldn’t agree more. There are so many opportunities for Congress to get legislation to the president’s desk to help middle-class Americans which are falling by the wayside because of this impeachment craze.

Congress could be working to address the mental health crisis, combat the opioid epidemic, improve our VA system, lower prescription drug prices, gain critical global market access for our farmers, help stem the tide of rising student loan debt, reduce government waste, reauthorize our country’s military and finally secure our borders. These are issues everyone agrees need to be worked on, and finding solutions to them would instantly raise the quality of life for the hardworking farmers, families, and job creators I represent in southern Missouri.

Yet, this impeachment obsession has rendered Congress unable to address any of these concerns in a real and substantive way. In divided government, impeachment has soiled the waters of bipartisanship and it seems unlikely the majority will quit playing politics any time soon.

This agenda of chaos and perpetual inaction is all coming to a head in less than a month.

On November 21, the Thursday before Thanksgiving, the federal government is poised to shut down. As that deadline approaches your Congress remains incapable of crafting a long-term solution so long as the congressional agenda is dominated by political impeachment games. I’m sure the speaker will soon roll out her flawed spending plan with the false choice of: “accepting this agreement is responsible governing.”

In reality, responsible governing is focusing on the real issues facing families and not conducting a wasteful political charade which has made Congress inoperable and thwarted the exact type of bipartisanship needed to keep government open and functioning on the cusp of another expiring funding deal.

Crafting such a deal takes careful negotiations and good faith agreements between multiple chambers and branches of government, something hard to imagine in such times of hyper-partisanship. In absence of such a deal, simply accommodating the Pelosi agenda of chaos, and rubber-stamping another short-term continuing resolution cobbled together will ignore the grave issues we face as a nation in the hopes they will simply go away. We already tried this in September, and in place of working towards a long-term funding agreement in the weeks since, time has been wasted on a Hail Mary of an impeachment investigation destined for ultimate failure. The Budget Committee, on which I am a senior member, has still failed to even produce a formal budget—putting us at over 190 days since it was due.

Instead of waiting until the next election to make their case to the public about why it’s time for new leadership in the White House, the majority party in the House of Representatives is obstructing democracy by trying to throw President Trump out of office for any reason they can dream up.

That’s not governing. That’s chaos. And that’s the halls of your U.S. Capitol.

Kay Hively: Check out Doug's Log Cabin Gallery and Studio near Neosho

I got a nice notice from Doug Hall recently. The notice said that Doug would be part of the Buffalo Bill Art Show and Sale at Cody, Wyoming.

Most people in these parts are familiar with Doug, an artist who specializes in woodland Indians. His work is excellent and is popular with the public.

The Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma has several of his paintings, either originals or prints. They proudly display them in the lobby of their resort hotel, just across the Missouri/Oklahoma state line on Highway 60. If you get a chance, go have a look.

Doug has attended the sale in Cody for many years and always does well there. Three or four years ago, Russell and I drove to Cody for the show and it was a great trip. We enjoyed being in Cody and it was fun to watch the art auction. We also took the opportunity to visit Yellowstone again since it is nearby.

Doug has come a long way since he started working as a professional artist. It was a major decision when he decided to give up everything and devote his life to art. He knew he risked becoming a "starving artist," but he has become very successful.

The work he will enter at the Buffalo Bill sale this year is entitled "NO TRESPASSING," and depicts a real incident about Daniel Boone being relieved of his otter, beaver and deer skins by a group of Shawnee warriors. The Indians took his bales of furs, 900 deer skins, pack horses and gear. They sent Boone packing with a cheap musket and a warning, "Go home and stay there or wasps and yellow jackets will sting you severely."

Of course Boone went home…wouldn't you?

If you have not been to Doug's Log Cabin Gallery and Studio, you owe yourself the pleasure. He is located three (3) miles south of Neosho on Highway 59. He is always there in the afternoon unless he is at a sale and auction. such as the one in Cody. Every Sunday afternoon at around 3 p.m., he hosts a black powder flintlock rife shoot. That shoot has been held every Sunday since 1987. They don't shoot if Christmas falls on Sunday, and for years they celebrated his grandmother's birthday if it fell on Sunday. If it was her birthday, they held the shoot at her house.

The shoot goes on even if Doug is away, unless it's too stormy or icy to get around. All shooters invited. Doug and his precious mother, Rebecca, who is also his greatest fan, will treat you right, whether you are a shooter or "just visiting."

He has some wonderful works of art in his gallery. If you like Indian subjects, this is the place for you.

Just between you and me, I don't know if Doug will have the best selling painting in Cody, but he will hold his own against 40 or 50 other Western artists. Let's hope the hometown boy does well.
(Kay Hively is a historian, author and former editor, reporter and columnist for the Neosho Daily News and Neosho Post.)

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Nancy Hughes: Sock it to me, Lord

“Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.”
Proverbs 21:19 (NIV)

That was it! I was done! Once again, even after repeated reminders, my husband had walked into the bathroom and dropped his socks b-e-s-i-d-e the clothes hamper. Not IN the hamper, but beside it!

I could feel my jaw tighten as I scrolled through my mental list of zingers to throw his way. “Are you blind?” “How hard is it to open the hamper and drop in the socks? Too much effort?” “Do I look like your mother? Your maid? Your servant?”

And then I did what I believed all wives were required to do: I stored that incident in my mind along with all the other times that socks were dropped on the floor, and anniversaries and birthdays were forgotten and an empty toilet paper roll was left in the bathroom and . . . you get the picture.

You probably know what came next, too. A little thing – my husband was 5 minutes late picking me up from work – and I hit him square in the heart with every single thing that I believed he had done wrong since the Garden of Eden. Unfortunately what I just described didn’t happen just once in our marriage but that scene was repeated over and over with few minor changes.

Then one day the Lord had had enough of my behavior and He placed in my life an older Godly woman who shared her marriage with me. She talked about being a newlywed and her determination to change her husband into her idea of perfection. That continued on for years until the day she received an unexpected life-changing gift from her son.

He walked into the kitchen and said “Mom, I’ve been teaching myself how to use my tape recorder so I taped you and dad talking yesterday. Do you want to hear it?” She smiled as he hit “play” but in an instant the tears flowed as she listened to the tone of her voice during her conversation with her husband.

She said that not only was her voice negative and her words accusing and absolutely horrible but she could not escape the hurt in her husband’s voice as he barely answered “yes” or “no” to her questions.

In that instant she realized that instead of praising God for her husband and all the good qualities he brought to their marriage, she was literally ripping him and the marriage into pieces. “I went to my husband immediately and asked his forgiveness for my attitude,” she said, “and then I resolved to do everything I could to be the Godly wife that the Lord had called me to be.”

I have to tell you, ladies, that I was completely convicted that day of my attitude of arguing and complaining toward my husband and our marriage and called him at work to ask his forgiveness. And I would love to tell you that the toilet paper roll was always full after that and anniversaries were never forgotten again. Not true.

But somehow socks next to the hamper were no longer as important as my acceptance and love of my husband, God’s gift to me. May it be the same with each of you.

Father, I thank you for this man that you have given me as my husband. May I always remember that he is your gift to me and treat him with the love and respect that he deserves. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

R.A.P. it up . . .


If someone were to tape record your conversations with your husband, would you be ashamed or embarrassed by what you say and how you say it?

Would the majority of your conversations be affirming and positive or demeaning and negative?


Praise God every day for your husband and all the unique, wonderful qualities he brings to your marriage.

Think of ways to praise and affirm your husband as an important part of your life and then tell him.


Proverbs 21:19 (NIV) “Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.”

Proverbs 21:9 (NIV) “Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.”

Proverbs 31:10 (NIV) “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”

(For more of Nancy Hughes' writing, check out her blog, Encouragement from the War Room)

Kim Frencken: Don't judge a teacher

I just read an article by someone I am sure is very nice and very well intentioned. Someone who thinks they know just what a teacher should do and just what makes a good teacher. But.... it made me angry.

I get so tired of reading what makes a good teacher and what good teachers should or shouldn't do. By people that have never taught. Never spent one day in a classroom full of kids that need more than immediate feedback or candy rewards. By people that think having a child or being a child qualifies them to determine what makes a good teacher.

This article had three examples of teachers that shouldn't be teachers. I guarantee you that on any given day every teacher has found themselves in at least one of those scenarios.

Take for example the complaint that a good teacher will always give immediate written feedback on every lesson. Someone who doesn't provide this shouldn't be in the classroom. 


So every assignment must be graded and have meaningful comments written on it? Yes, I'll agree that most assignments should have feedback. But in order for that to happen to every assignment some things are going to have to change. 

My class size can't soar past 20 students. The usual 32 isn't conducive to building relationships and spending time giving them, not only written feedback, but also verbal feedback. 

Having a minimum requirement of taking two (or preferably ) more grades per week will also have to disappear. In order for learning to take place, students have to practice. Then they have to have time to correct their mistakes. Learn from them. 

Parents might not see all of the rough drafts that a student did for practice. Just because you don't see a written comment on every lesson that doesn't mean that learning isn't taking place.

Ever have a bad day? Apparently the person writing the article doesn't. It's nice to know that there is someone out there that has never been frustrated with another human. Someone who has never said a harsh or unkind word to someone else. Someone who never loses their patience. That's awesome. But that's not how most of the world react. 

We have a splitting headache and the little darling tugging on our arm pushes us over the edge. We were up all night with a sick child and the loud, demanding student gets on our last nerve. We're human. It happens. We aren't proud of ourselves. In fact, we're harder on ourselves than the person who wrote the article.

What do you think of the last indicator of a bad teacher? Someone who gives kids an assignment then allows them to have free time if they finish it before class ends. Wow! That should be punishable by death. That should never happen. Quick! Get out the handcuffs. We've got to lock up this no-good teacher. 

You mean to tell me that you've never had a moment where you wrapped up a great lesson. Kids were engaged. They were on track. They mastered the content. So you did the 'unthinkable' and allowed them some down-time. A few free minutes to talk, draw, read...

Teachers do not manage numbers. They manage people. Kids. They're human. Most have families of their own. Or fur babies. 

There are some bad apples. Teachers who teach for the wrong reasons. Teachers that never have a kind word. Teachers that don't prepare any lessons or provide any feedback. But just because a teacher has a bad day it doesn't make them a bad teacher. 

Sometimes we could all use some understanding. And a little grace.

(For more of Kim Frencken's writing and information about her educational products, check out her blog, Chocolate For the Teacher.)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Greenfield man sentenced to 25 years in prison for meth trafficking, weapons charge

(From the U. S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri)

A Greenfield, Missouri, man who crashed his motorcycle into another vehicle during a police chase was sentenced in federal court today for possessing methamphetamine to distribute and illegally possessing a firearm.

Chad R. Weis, 32, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Roseann Ketchmark to 25 years in federal prison without parole.

On April 10, 2019, Weis pleaded guilty to possessing methamphetamine with the intent to distribute and to possessing a firearm in furtherance of a drug-trafficking crime.

A Springfield, Missouri, police officer and an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were conducting street enforcement in an unmarked vehicle on June 14, 2017, when they saw Weis driving a Kawasaki motorcycle.

Weis had active warrants for his arrest and did not have a valid license to operate the motorcycle. When the law enforcement officers attempted to conduct a traffic stop, Weis accelerated. Weis ran a stop sign and collided with a Lexus sedan at the intersection of Division and Lyon Street. Weis then fled on foot. During the pursuit, he threw a green backpack and a small canvas bag over a fence.

When Weis was apprehended, he was in possession of a loaded Taurus .38-caliber revolver in the front-left pocket of his shorts. Inside the backpack, officers found a loaded Kel-Tec 9mm semi-automatic pistol. Inside the canvas bag, officers found a clear plastic bag with 13.49 grams of 97 percent pure methamphetamine and a digital scale.

This case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Nhan D. Nguyen. It was investigated by the Springfield, Mo., Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Billy Long says Democrats unwilling to work with Republicans to stop Russian interference in elections

(From Seventh District Congressman Billy Long)

Russia interfered with the 2016 election by deploying social media ad campaigns and troll farms in order to sway the American public.

In an effort to prevent future foreign influence, Congress must act to update our election laws and deter foreign interference in a way that does not restrict free speech for Americans. 

When Democrats introduced the Stop Harmful Interferences in Elections for a Lasting Democracy Act (SHIELD), it was found to contain holes and poison pills that rendered it ineffective in its effort to prevent foreign influence along with being full of partisan language that would never pass the United States Senate.

One of the primary sources for Russian interference in our 2016 election was the use of social media posts intended to influence the American public, yet the SHIELD Act does nothing to prevent these posts or troll farms. 

Russian operatives broke many existing laws in their attempt to spread false information, yet this legislation offers no additional resources to law enforcement to pursue foreign actors. 

Without an effective means to prevent future foreign interference through social media or prosecute the foreign agents responsible, this legislation will do nothing to protect our elections.

Republicans share many of the same concerns the Democrats do about foreign interference in our elections, and yet Democrats appeared unwilling to work in a bipartisan manner, leaving Republicans with little choice but to draft separate legislation, the Honest Elections Act. 

This bill brings existing laws into the 21st Century and strengthens the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), which requires foreign agents to register with the Justice Department and file regular detailed reports with the agency, as well as post notices that their information is foreign-sponsored. The Honest Elections Act also makes it easier to prosecute foreign actors by extending FARA’s territorial reach beyond the U.S. It also broadens FARA’s coverage of “political activities” to including election-influencing activities, a provision that would target Russia and other countries for directing their unpaid social media posts towards influencing U.S. elections.

The Honest Act recognizes the need for Congress to pass legislation updating disclosure and disclaimer requirements for online advertisement without restricting free speech or implementing unworkable standards. It also dedicates more resources to monitoring foreign national spending in elections to protect the integrity of the process and bans dangerous practices like absentee and mail-in “ballot harvesting”, which the SHIELD Act ignores entirely.

While both parties agree that the integrity of our elections must be preserved, Republicans have crafted legislation that will do far more to combat foreign interference on multiple levels. With the 2020 election in sight, we must take swift action and punish foreign actors who attempt to undermine our elections without infringing upon states’ rights or free speech. Americans are the only ones who have the right to determine who our elected officials are, and the Honest Elections Act is our best way of ensuring their right to do so.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Trial for former North Middle School teacher on child sexual exploitation, child pornography charges delayed

The trial of a former North Middle School reading teacher Amanda Schweitzer on child pornography and child sexual exploitation charges, originally scheduled to begin next month, has been reset for April 20.

The continuance came at the request of Schweitzer's attorney, according to documents filed in U. S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri. The government did not object to the request.

Schweitzer, 40, was accused of predatory behavior in a detention motion filed in January 2018 that included performing oral sex and having sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old boy, one of her students, texting him to tell him he was "hot" and "she wanted him," sending a nude photo of herself with a purple sex toy and asking him to send her a photo of his penis.

The 13-year-old, referred to as John Doe 1 in the court documents, was not the only one Schweitzer approached, according to the motion.

She sent nude photos of herself to two other boys, both 14 years old, the motion said. Schweizer sent one of the boys a message, apparently trying to flatter him by asking if he was 18 yet.

After that, the defendant tried to add him on Snapchat, but he blocked her. The defendant also messaged him to see if he wanted to go to a concert. John Doe 2 stated the defendant would nibble on his ear lobe during class, pretending she was whispering in his ear.

John Doe 1 showed the messages from the Schweitzer and her nude photographs to John Doe 3, according to the detention motion.

John Doe 3 said he also saw some messages between John Doe 1 and the defendant, and in one of the messages, the defendant commented on how large John Doe 1’s penis was in a photograph. On John Doe 1’s phone, images of the defendant’s exposing her breast were located. There was also one image with the defendant with a dark colored dildo in her mouth. On the defendant’s phone, multiple images of her exposing her breast were located.
Schweitzer was initially arrested by the Joplin Police Department after the mothers of the boys discovered that Schweitzer was sending nude photographs to their sons' Instagram accounts.

During interviews at the Children's Center in Joplin, John Doe 1 revealed that his first sexual encounter with Schweitzer took place during spring break when she "drove him to the river in a white four-door car."

The second incident allegedly took place on March 29, 2017, at Schweitzer's home.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Carthage R-9 Board hears information on importance of a performing arts center, hires 17 support staff, substitutes

(From the Carthage R-9 School District)

The Carthage R-9 Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, October 21, 2019, 6:00 pm, at Carthage High School. 

Present were Board members Jeff Jones, Lee Elliff Pound, Niki Cloud, Elizabeth Streich, Bill Lasley, and Wayne Jones. 

High school students led the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Mrs. Mallory Kaysen, high school art teacher, and high school art students spoke about the honor of being chosen to represent Missouri at the 2019 America Celebrates: Ornaments from Across the USA in Washington D.C. 

The Board approved the Consent Agenda for the purpose of approving the meeting agenda, minutes of previous meeting, payment of bills, monthly financial reports, amendments to FY20 budget, 2020 Practical Nursing Program Student Handbook, Change Order #3 on the Tiger Activity Center, Sixth Grade Center remodel specifications, Handle With Care MOU, and student ridership count and bus routes for 2019-20. 

Artists of the Month awards were distributed to October winners. 

Ms. Renda Armstrong, DSWA, CPAs, reviewed the FY19 audit report. Carthage R-9 was in compliance with all requirements and received an overall clean audit report with no material weaknesses. Ms. Armstrong commended the district for the findings. 

Dr. Baker, Superintendent, provided an evaluative report on Finances, Missouri School Improvement Program Area G-8 (3-5). The district is responsible for procuring resources to support a quality educational program. Reserves are maintained in accordance with the Board of Education’s targeted 25% carryover each year. Financial reports are submitted and procedures are followed in accordance with federal and state mandates. Additional revenue to supplement district programs and activities have been secured through fundraising activities, grants, and naming rights donations. 

Mrs. Lee Elliff Pound provided a R-9 Foundation update. The Annual Major Saver Card Campaign began October 18. The cost is $15.00 and showcases local business discounts. 

The Board reviewed the Naming Rights Program and tabled further discussion to the November Board meeting. 

Mrs. Patrice Sacry, Carthage patron, presented information regarding the importance of building a Performing Arts Center. Mr. Matt Huntley, high school principal, discussed high school advanced placement (AP) and dual credit (DC) classes. Both topics were discussed during the Carthage 2020 and Beyond meetings. 

Dr. Baker updated the Board regarding the following items:

-The Maple Leaf Band Competition was a great success. A huge thank you was extended to Jennifer Sager, Band Director. 

-The Carthage R-9 School auction is set for Thursday, October 24, 12:00 pm in the auditorium parking lot, weather permitting. 

-Parent-teacher conferences will be held Tuesday and Thursday this week. 

-School will not be in session Friday, October 25. 

-Golden Key nominations are currently being accepted. The deadline is November 22. 

-Further information was provided regarding the Handle With Care program. 

-Congratulations to our district Art Department as the Secondary Art Education State Representative, the Middle School State Representative, and the District 9 Representative are all from Carthage. 

The Board met in closed session immediately following the regular meeting to discuss legal, personnel, and student matters in compliance with Section 610.021 (1), (3), and (6) of the Revised Statutes of Missouri. 

In closed session, the Board approved the following personnel actions: 

Retirement: Administrative Staff
(effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year):

Beth James Director Special Services District 


Support Staff: 

Cheryl Barley Paraprofessional Intermediate Center 
Ellen Henry Bus Aide 
Janet Kaup Paraprofessional Fairview 
Yuepeng Lee Maintenance 
Kady Miller Paraprofessional Early Childhood Center 
Brice Reavis Maintenance 

Substitute Teachers: 

Carolyn Bolek 
Rebecca Gazaway 

Substitute Teacher Substitute Support Staff: 

Alicia Boles Substitute Cook 
Deborah Cardwell Substitute Bus Driver 
Lisa Kiernan Substitute Cook 
Gregory Krawiec Substitute Bus Driver 
Andrea Maute Substitute Nurse 
Yareli Diaz Mora Substitute Cook 
Kyla Salsbury Substitute Cook 
Kathy Thornton Substitute Cook 
Sheri Watson Substitute Cook

Joplin man charged with murder; probable cause statement said fatal accident happened on stolen tractor

A Joplin man faces second degree murder charges in connection with a fatal accident Tuesday, in which either he or the deceased drove a stolen tractor off a bridge.

The Lawrence County Prosecuting Attorney filed the second degree murder charge against Kendall Lee Crosswhite, 28, because the death allegedly occurred during the commission of a crime.

Crosswhite is also charged with receiving stolen property, a felony.

According to the Highway Patrol traffic report, a 2011 John Deere tractor, driver unknown, ran off the left side of the roadway and traveled off a bridge 2:30 a.m. Tuesday, Lawrence County Coroner Scott Lakin pronounced Justin T. Workman, 35, Joplin, dead at the scene at 4 a.m.

Crosswhite was flown to Mercy Hospital, Springfield, to be treated for serious injuries.

The circumstances leading to the charges against Crosswhite are detailed in the probable cause report, which is printed below:

On Tuesday, October 22, 2019, at approximately 0305 hours, Troop D Radio informed Trooper Kelsey Rutledge of a motor vehicle crash on Lawrence 2130 west of MO 97. 

Reportedly, a farm tractor was overturned, off of a bridge, and the occupant was trapped inside. 

Upon his arrival, at approximately 0339 hours, he located a 2011 John Deere 7230, front wheel assist tractor, equipped with a John Deere loader, overturned off the south side of a narrow bridge west of MO 97 in Lawrence County, Missouri. 

Trapped underneath were two white males. One of the males was subsequently identified as Justin T. Workman, date of birth, June 18, 1984 who was pronounced dead at the scene by Lawrence County coroner, Scott Lakin on October 22, 2019, at 0400 hours. 

The other male was eventually identified as Kendall L. Crosswhite, date of birth February 24, 1991. 

Crosswhite sustained serious injuries and was transported from the scene by Mercy Ambulance to Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri where he is currently receiving treatment for serious injuries. 

An employee of Biellier Wrecker Service, Mt. Vernon, Missouri, stated he witnessed a tractor, nearly identical, being unloaded on the Interstate 44, eastbound, on-ramp at approximately 0130 hours. The vehicle towing the tractor was described as a white Ford F350 with a black gooseneck trailer. 

At approximately 0955 hours on October 22, 2019, the tractor was confirmed as stolen from Galena, Kansas. The owner of the tractor said the tractor was stolen within the last two days and is making a stolen vehicle report with Cherokee County, Kansas Sheriff's Office. 

Recovered from the crash scene was a black cellular telephone. This device was located near the tractor and where it came to rest. A Stotts City volunteer firefighter picked the device up prior to giving the device to Trooper Rutledge, the firefighter unlocked it, and the fire fighter saw a text message that said, "Goddammit Kendall are you OK?" 

A search warrant authorizing the search of this device was obtained from the Lawrence County, Missouri Circuit Court. A subsequent search of that device revealed the device was in fact Kendall Crosswhite's based upon several SMS messages that were sent and received on the device. 

On October 22, 2019, at 0155 hours, the device determined to belong to, and be in use by, Crosswhite sent a SMS message to another phone number that said, "I've got a 150,000 dollar tractor tractor on the back." 

This message was sent in a conversation where Crosswhite was telling the recipient he had a flat tire but no spare to fix it with. The recipient subsequently responded with, "Isn't someone following you or isn't Justin with you ? Change it??? Justin in this message is most likely the deceased, Justin Workman. 

On October 22, 2019, Sergeant Michael Bracker contacted Crosswhite at Mercy Hospital. Crosswhite told Sergeant Bracker his "homeboy" contacted him and asked Crosswhite to bring him fuel for a tractor that had ran out. 

Crosswhite later identified his "homeboy" as Justin Workman. Crosswhite then said he did not want to answer any more questions. 

I am requesting that an arrest warrant be issued because (complete at least one of
the following):

I have reasonable grounds to believe the defendant will not appear upon a summons based on the facts stated above and the following information: 

Crosswhite will most likely not appear for court based on his criminal history, which includes at least one conviction for resisting arrest. 

If he is charged with a serious felony he will not appear. 

I have reasonable grounds to believe the defendant poses a danger to a crime victim, the community, or any other person based on the facts stated above and the following information.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Paul Richardson: Thoughts on the passing of Mozelle Sandlin

Time erodes our lives leaving only memories. That erosion will eventually take people and personalities that were at the very foundations of our existence. Although it was not the first time, this occurred once again earlier this month.

For the first ten years of my life, every Friday night one would find our family in a gathering with the family of Ted and Mozelle Sandlin or Bob and Jo Ann Stafford.

As time moved forward accelerating family life, occupational demands and general busy-ness these regular Friday night gatherings became fewer and less frequent, eventually ceasing altogether. The friendships born from those weekly gatherings were so strong that my relationship to the adults occupied a special place in my memories. 

Friendships with the children of these families has continued and even when the random and occasional meeting occurs it always has an elevated status far above any other friendship.

One of the characteristics of these old relationships was the way in which I was addressed. A limited number of people would address me in this manner, reserved to people who had known me all of my life and certain family members.

Isolated family members probably learned this from a parent or grandparent who had known me all of my life and thus adopted this manner of addressing me. While this may have been quite common in the South and even in our area of southern Missouri, it was not something that I heard a lot in my lifetime.

So, when I heard my first and middle name used together and melded as one word, I always knew by the voice associated with it where it was a greeting or judgement. Ted Sandlin’s distinctive voice and accent will never leave my memories and will always be associated with the smooth, velvet voice of Mozelle. When spoken in this situation, they were safe words. Let me hear it from a parent and it was probably time to take flight.

I recall a memory of the first time that the goodwife encountered someone bearing this greeting and her inquiry of, “What was that all about?” “That my dear, was people who have known me all of my life,” She never had to ask again, but only needed to inquire about their names so that she would recognize them in the future.

The time equation moves on and always in the same direction, eroding the present into our past, but keeping the future just on the horizon. Others who existed before we arrived will leave concluding their mission. We will continue and hold our memories of them until we move on, becoming the memory of another. Hopefully, those held of me will be as good, pleasant and honorable as those I hold of Mozelle.

I will miss the days of hearing my first and middle name called out as a greeting. This is not something that I want to initiate anew, no, it belonged to a specific group of people.
(Paul Richardson's column, The Horse I Rode In On is published weekly in the Neosho Daily News and Seneca News-Dispatch and on the Turner Report.)

Federal grand jury indicts Rogers physician who prescribed 214,050 oxydone tablets in 16 months

(From the U. S. Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas)

Duane (DAK) Kees, United States Attorney for the Western District of Arkansas and Justin King, Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration, announced today that Dr. Robin Ann Cox was arrested today on federal charges.

A federal grand jury in the Western District of Arkansas indicted Dr. Cox on one count of Prescribing Without a Legitimate Medical Purpose Outside the Scope of a Professional Practice and one count of Willfully and Knowingly Making a Material False Statement to Federal Investigators.

According to the Indictment, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Little Rock District Office (LRDO) Tactical Diversion Squad and Diversion groups along with the DEA Fayetteville Resident Office (FRO) initiated an investigation into the Arkansas Medical Clinic in Rogers, AR in 2019. 

Investigators received multiple complaints from local pharmacists, residents, and police departments in the Northwest Arkansas area of a suspected “pill mill” located in Rogers, Arkansas. 

Investigators identified Dr. Cox as the physician associated with the clinic and analyzed prescription drug monitoring data attributed to Dr. Cox’s prescribing habits from the date the clinic opened in May 2018 through the middle of September 2019. 

This analysis revealed Dr. Cox to be a suspected over-prescriber of opioids, and other evidence in the case revealed that many of Dr. Cox’s opioid prescriptions were not written in the usual course of professional practice. 

Further, Dr. Cox made false statements to agents of the DEA regarding the legitimacy of prescriptions bearing her signature. 

In the time period analyzed, Dr. Cox prescribed 214,050 tablets of oxycodone, with a street value of approximately $3,204,765 if diverted. 

Investigators also discovered that approximately 90% of the patients to whom Dr. Cox prescribed controlled substances during that time received a prescription for at least one opioid.

Other agencies participating in the investigation are the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Texarkana Police Department, the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS), the Springdale Police Department and the Rogers Police Department. Special Assistant United States Attorney Anne Gardner is prosecuting the case for the United States.

An Indictment is merely an accusation. An arrest warrant represents a finding of probable cause. A person is presumed innocent unless or until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Galloway urges statewide officials to encourage bills banning use of self-deleting applications for public business

(From State Auditor Nicole Galloway)

State Auditor Nicole Galloway today urged the five other statewide officials to join her in encouraging the legislature to strengthen the Missouri Sunshine Law by banning the use of self-deleting applications for public business. She did so in a letter sent today to the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State and Treasurer.

"Missourians expect government to be honest when conducting public business," Auditor Galloway wrote. "Banning self-destructing messaging by public entities, officials, and employees is another step to ensuring transparency, and is the best antidote to any perceived or actual government impropriety. It is not only a best practice, it is just good common sense."

Such a measure would be consistent with recent guidelines approved by the State Records Commission. The guidelines, which were adopted by a bipartisan vote, stated that the use of auto-deleting applications should be prohibited by policy. The State Records Commission membership includes the State Auditor, Secretary of State, Attorney General and the Governor's designees.

The Auditor noted that during the 2019 legislative session, legislation prohibiting the use of self-destructing messaging technology for use in public business was approved by the House. The measure then died in the Senate.

Auditor Galloway recently sent a letter to all local governments encouraging them to ban self-deleting applications. The letter included updated guidelines adopted by the State Records Commission and the Local Records Board related to electronic communications. The guidelines are the first time Missouri governments have had clear direction on self-deleting applications but, unlike the Sunshine Law, the guidelines are not legally enforceable.

The full letter to the other statewide elected officials is available here. The letter sent earlier this month to local governments throughout Missouri is available here.

DNR awards $3.5 million to Carthage for wastewater treatment facility improvements

(From the Missouri Department of Natural Resources)

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has awarded $4.5 million in financial assistance to the city of Carthage to make needed improvements to its wastewater treatment facility. The funding is estimated to completely cover the project’s cost.

The project will include adding a new mechanical screen, increase the aerated basin capacity, increase aerobic sludge digestion capacity and modify the ultraviolet disinfection system at the city’s existing wastewater treatment facility. The project is expected to be completed by early 2022.

The funding consists of a $4.5 million Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan. The fund provides financial opportunities to communities with infrastructure needs for water quality, wastewater and drinking water. 

It is estimated to save the city’s ratepayers approximately $1.3 million in interest over the loan’s 20-year term. The city will be responsible for funding any ineligible costs and cost overruns.

“Water and wastewater systems are critical to the health and economic wellbeing of every community in Missouri,” said Carol Comer, director of the Department of Natural Resources. “Investing in our aging wastewater infrastructure helps protect human health and the environment and allows for our communities’ future growth. We are committed to working closely with public entities to assist with funding efforts that support these infrastructure improvement projects and provide financial savings.”

This project will be funded wholly or in part with monies received from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Missouri Department of Public Safety receives nearly $1 million federal grant for school safety

(From the U. S. Department of Justice)

More than $900,000 in grants have been awarded to schools in the Western District of Missouri to bolster school security – including funding to educate and train students and faculty and to support first responders who arrive on the scene of a school shooting or other violent incident.

“Our kids’ schools should be safe environments where they can focus on learning, free from threats of violence,” said U.S. Attorney Tim Garrison. “These STOP School Violence grants help provide the resources our schools need to protect students, including partnering with local law enforcement.”

Six school districts received a total of $912,288 in grants from the Department of Justice, in addition to a $999,372 grant awarded to the Missouri Department of Public Safety.

“These federal resources will help to prevent school violence and give our students the support they need to learn, grow, and thrive,’ said Attorney General William P. Barr. “By training faculty, students and first responders, and by improving school security measures, we can make schools and their communities safer.”

Recipients of grant awards in the Western District of Missouri are:
• Raytown Consolidated School District 2: $250,000 (anonymous reporting technology)
• Warsaw R-IX School District: $142,068 (school violence prevention)
• City of Breckenridge: $120,593 (school violence prevention)
• Stoutland R-II School District: $84,055 (school violence prevention)
• South Pemiscot R-V Schools: $96,663 (school violence prevention)
• Lawson R-XIV School District: $315,572 (school violence prevention)
• Missouri Department of Public Safety: $999,372 (to create or enhance state school safety centers)

Five of the school district grants fall under the COPS’ School Violence Prevention Program. This is the second year the COPS program will provide K-12, primary and secondary schools up to 75 percent funding for the following school safety measures:
• Coordination with law enforcement;
• Training for local law enforcement officers to prevent student violence against others and themselves;
• Metal detectors, locks, lighting, and other deterrent measures;
• Technology for expedited notification of local law enforcement during an emergency;
• Any other measure that the COPS Office determines may provide a significant improvement in security.

The Department of Justice announced today that more than $85.3 million in grants were awarded nationally. The STOP School Violence Act authorizes grants that are designed to improve threat assessments, train students and faculty to provide tips and leads, and prepare law enforcement officers and emergency professionals to respond to school shootings and other violent incidents.

The Bureau of Justice Assistance, within the Department’s Office of Justice Programs, and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services manage the programs and administer the grants, which include funds to:
• Develop school threat assessment teams and pursue technological solutions to improve reporting of suspicious activity in and around schools;
• Implement or improve school safety measures, including coordination with law enforcement, as well as the use of metal detectors, locks, lighting and other deterrent measures;
• Train law enforcement to help deter student violence against others and themselves;
• Improve notification to first responders through implementation of technology that expedites emergency notifications;
• Develop and operate anonymous reporting systems to encourage safe reporting of potential school threats;
• Train school officials to intervene when mentally ill individuals threaten school safety; and
• Provide training and technical assistance to schools and other awardees in helping implement these programs.

For more details about these individual award programs, as well as listings of individual 2019 awardees, visit

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Kay HIvely: Remembering local artist Don Draper

I was thinking recently of my old friend, Don Draper.

For those who didn't know him or anything about him, Don was a local man who was a fine artist. He was also an outdoorsman and a somewhat controversial character. He certainly had a mind of his own and didn't hold back from what he was thinking.

Russell and I were in his home many times. His home was also his gallery and the walls were full of his work. He did his best work in landscapes, many of which were local scenes. He did fudge on occasion. 

For example, he would paint a landscape that he admired on Dan Longwell farm, west of Neosho, but stick the White house out there in the country. The White house is located on top of Big Spring Hill and was built around 1870 by saloon owner, Thomas White.

Don had a special place in his heart for his native Kansas. I have a painting he did that showed the old homestead at night. All the buildings can be seen along with the family graveyard. 

The farmstead was in the distance, and up close, Don painted a coyote howling at the moon on the Kansas prairie. He told me that when he died, he would be buried there beside his mother and father, and he was.

One of my favorite stories of Don was when he graduated from high school. He wanted to be a newspaper man so he applied at several schools. He got a scholarship from Notre Dame. Although his father was a doctor, Don was a country boy from the lonely plains of Kansas. He knew nothing about Notre Dame, but it offered a scholarship and he accepted.

When it came time to report to school, his parents drove all the way to Indiana to see their son off. When his parents left to go home, Don got a list of things he would need and was told where the college bookstore was. He made his way over there, along with a large crowd of students, teachers, etc. He was almost overwhelmed at all the people. But the most overwhelming thing he spotted was someone who wore a long flowing dress or robe. As he passed by, this person said to Don, "good morning."

Don was surprised and the only reply he could make was "Good morning, Ma'am."

Shortly after that, he learned that the "Ma'am" was none other than the President of Notre Dame, wearing his Catholic robes.

Don said he had never seen a man in a dress before, so assumed it was a woman.

He actually made it through Notre Dame and got a degree in journalism. After graduation, Don had the privilege of working for William Allen White, the famous editor of the Emporia Gazette. He came to Neosho to work at the Carnation Milk plant.

He admired Mr. White, and liked to tell the most important thing he learned from the great editor. He said Mr. White always believed in reporting local news. White said "…people would rather read about an old hound dog lying in the middle of Main Street than something that happened in Boston, Chicago or Washington D.C."

Just between you and me, that's a wise saying.

(Kay Hively is a historian, author, and former editor, reporter and columnist for the Neosho Daily News and Neosho Post.)

Nancy Hughes: Number three

“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach
the good news to all creation.”
Mark 16:15 (NIV)

My sister Mary shared a life-changing experience that was a huge turning point for her and sharing her faith. She was sitting at the doctor’s office in the waiting room and noticed a man across from her who had a look of anguish on his face as he waited for his name to be called. She said “hello” and they had a brief conversation.

The Lord prompted her to share His love with this gentleman and to encourage him on whatever journey he was on but she hesitated for a second. “What if he gets angry with me? What if he thinks I am being nosey?” she thought for just a moment and then she was called back to a room. He was gone when she came out and she never saw him again.

A few days later, Mary looked up from her desk at work and noticed an older gentleman wandering up and down the aisles in the store. As she helped him find what he wanted, she sensed his loneliness and immediately felt in her heart that she needed to share Jesus. Mary felt the Lord’s urging: “Go talk to this man. Encourage him. Share the Good News.”

Once again - unsure of exactly what to say - she hesitated. As the man walked out of the store, the Lord gently spoke to her heart: “Please…don’t let there be a number three.” Her mind instantly went back to the gentleman in the doctor’s office days before and now to this man leaving her store.

Immediately she confessed her disobedience to the Lord by not sharing His love with these two gentlemen and resolved from that day forward that she would share her Savior with everyone she met.

God gives us one opportunity after the other to share Him with people around us. Nothing – absolutely nothing – should keep us from speaking about eternity with people we meet every day. What if we are the one that the Lord has placed in the path of someone who is lost and hurting and needs to hear love and forgiveness?

Don’t let anything stop you from sharing Jesus. “Please…don’t let there be a number three.”

Father, I know you place people in my path that you want me to lovingly talk to about you. Please forgive me when I hesitate. Give me courage and wisdom to tell them the Good News that only comes from you. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

R.A.P. it up . . .


Have you felt the Lord nudging you to share His Good News with someone and you hesitated?

What was your reason for not sharing Jesus with that person?


Plan ahead different ways that you can share your relationship with Christ with people you meet.

Pray for opportunities to share Jesus and listen for His voice to direct your path.


Mark 16:15 (NIV) “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Isaiah 52:7 (NIV) “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news…”

Psalm 96:2 (NIV) “Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day.”

(For more of Nancy Hughes' writing, check out her blog, Encouragement from the War Room.)

Kim Frencken: Beware of the crazy days

Beware of the crazy season. It starts in mid-October and ends when school resumes in January. You'll easily recognize it by the pumpkins and poinsettia displays. Retailers call it Hallowthanksmas. I call it crazy.

It happens between October and January, there is little time for catching your breath. Forget about finding your mind. School days go by in a blur of frenzied activities, parties, and hyper kids.

There seems to be little time for quality instruction with parties and concerts, and assemblies. Keeping focus and competing with costume comparisons is virtually impossible. Writing Christmas list becomes the writing lesson. Planning classroom parties takes precedence over lesson planning.

How do you survive and keep your kids engaged in quality lessons? Don't try to fight the system. It is what it is. There have always been holiday concerts and parties. There are always kids physically exhausted and mentally wired after Halloween. There always will be. Thanksgiving vacation will always cause a ripple of excitement. Kids will always be wide-eyed thinking about Christmas.

Make the best of the situation. Find resources (or create them) that play into the holiday spirit. Quality resources that provide review or reinforcement of skills. Limit how many new concepts/standards you teach (I know there isn't enough time). Focus on reinforcing skills you've previously taught.

Enjoy the holiday season. Count your blessings. Breathe. It happens once a year. Every year. You survived last year. You'll survive this year. You've got this.

(For more of Kim Frencken's writing and information about her educational products, check out her blog, Chocolate For the Teacher.)

Trump supporters go ballistic over Joplin Globe impeachment editorial

I usually read the Joplin Globe editorial page, but somehow I missed the Globe's editorial on impeachment in Friday's edition.

So before I read it, I checked out the Facebook comments.

Normally, that is a big mistake because many Facebook commenters feel the need to comment on everything and do not bother to ever read the article they are commenting on.

This time, I did it for a reason. I wanted to see if I could figure out what the Globe editorial said based only on the Facebook comments.

The comments, mostly, were based on the brief summary that was provided on Facebook:

The president’s conduct is of concern, according to our editorial board. Determining the seriousness, and consequences, of that conduct is in the hands of those we have elected to serve our nation, and we urge them to solemnly and carefully perform their duty.
Uh, oh! I could already see how this was going to go. The post at the present time has received 545 comments.

I have found from personal experience that any time I write about President Trump and say anything that is remotely critical or is meant to be humorous, my Facebook comments are overwhelmingly negative.

Most of those who make negative comments are not my Facebook friends, but are people who seem to feel they have received a divine mission to slap down anyone who dares to criticize the president.
Of course, it was my decision to leave my Facebook page public, so I suppose I should expect nothing less.

Usually, the comments are not in response to whatever it is I have written, but are opportunities for people to refer to me as a liberal, a lefty (I am proudly right handed, but some of my best friends write with their left hand), or worse.

Rather than address whatever issue is the topic, many of them often make comments that I didn't write about this when Hillary and Bill Clinton did it. (I wasn't writing this blog when Bill Clinton was president and if memory serves me correctly, Hillary Clinton has never been president.)

The few who address the issue often do so by providing links to articles that are from dubious sources.

Some have tried to comment with memes, which I do not allow.

Nearly always, memes are the lazy person's way of saying "I have nothing worthwhile to say."

Now that the preliminaries are over, let's examine some of the Globe's Facebook comments (with my comments added after some of them:

Joplin Globe is a has been, liberal lying media source!

Anyone who thinks the Joplin Globe is liberal is living in an alternate reality.

The Globe is pandering to the left.

Sure it is. What a brilliant business strategy to pander to the left in southwest Missouri.

Great. JG has joined the ranks of prejudice journalism. I thought you were to report truth and unbiased news. Ignorance. Congress does not care about our country. They are not serving our country only a personal agenda. 

our pennies would be better spent on news that matters. News papers are dying. No impeachment!! Dream on lefties

 There will be impeachment. Even Trump supporters should realize that. You only have to have a majority of the House. It doesn't mean he will be removed from office, but he will be impeached.

I think you have a typo it’s the Biden’s that need to be investigated. Since you have decided to be biased you have lost my viewership.

What Hunter Biden did is part of what is wrong with the entire system. He was placed on the board of a Ukrainian company simply because of his name and undoubtedly as an effort to curry favor with the Obama administration. It is simply wrong for the sons or daughters of a president or vice president to attempt to cash in on who they are. I am certainly glad this commenter made note of that. 

Nice to see the death of journalism has found its way to small town America. Partisanship division like this is part of the problem especially when only one opinion is allowed on their soapbox. The Globe has devolved into a festering disgrace.

Good thing no one asked you your opinion. Joplin GlobeTrash

The criminal representatives of the nazi democrat party need to be forcibly removed, By the people of this country! President trump has been the best president this country has ever had and we will all stand for him and fight to the death for his family if need be!

And there were more- many, many more.

Now, I clicked on the link and read this vicious, evil anti-Trump editorial I saw described in the Facebook comments.

Ninety percent of the editorial was an explanation of the impeachment process.

This was the only part of it that was actually an opinion:

The president’s conduct is of concern. Determining the seriousness of and consequences of that conduct is in the hands of those we have elected to serve our nation. 
We urge them to solemnly and carefully perform their duty.
The only thing that was even mildly critical of President Trump is the first sentence. The Globe's Editorial Board since the president's conduct "is of concern."

The editorial did not say "President Trump is a crook."

The editorial did not say "It is time we removed President Trump from office."

The editorial did not say "The Democrats are doing God's work."

The editorial said it was up to members of Congress, people we sent to the nation's capital as our elected representatives to be careful and take their responsibilities seriously.

That is a reason to cancel subscriptions and to hope for the Joplin Globe to go out of business?

Apparently, the legions of Joplin Globe Facebook commenters who feel obliged to criticize the newspaper are as thin-skinned as the president they are supporting.