Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Appeals court upholds Joplin child molester's conviction, but orders new sentencing

The Missouri Southern District Court of Appeals upheld a Joplin man's conviction on two counts of statutory rape and single counts of statutory sodomy and child molestation but ordered a new sentencing.

In an opinion issued today, the appellate panel ruled that Robert William Shields, (DOB 1971), should not have been sentenced without a lawyer representing him and remanded the sentencing back to Jasper County Circuit Court.

A Jasper County jury found Shields guilty following a February 2021 trial. Online Jasper County Circuit Court records indicate Judge Dean Dankelson allowed Shields to remain free on bond while awaiting sentencing, with the stipulation that he wear a monitoring device.

Shields didn't stay around for his March 15, 2021sentencing. He skipped bond and it took more than a year before he was picked up by Colorado authorities.

By the time Shields's sentencing took place, August 22, 2022, his attorney, Charles Rhoades, Neosho, had died from an inoperable cancer. Dankelson continued with the sentencing, despite Shields' lack of counsel and sentenced Shields to 99 years on statutory sodomy, 15 years for child molestation, life in prison for statutory rape and seven years for the second statutory rape conviction with the sentences to run consecutively.

Shields' crimes were committed over a 9-year period with a girl beginning when she was five years old.


Anonymous said...

Wow - How many Legal Screw-Ups can our Idiotic Jasper County Judges and Prosecuting Attorneys make???

Robert William Shields - was found guilty by a Juror of his peers of heinous sick crimes of statutory rape and single counts of statutory sodomy and child molestation, but the Great Idiot - Judge Dean (Dinky) Dankelson, did not lock him up - No, he let Shields - Remain Free on Bail until Sentencing - This was a Violent and Sexual Offense - Committed by Shields - Yet Judge Dean (Dinky) Dankelson, thought it was a good idea to give him his Freedom to walk and live in our Society until Sentencing - What a DumbAzz - Stop being Soft on Criminals - You Loser.

So, Shields - Took off his Monitoring Device and Skipped Bond and the State of Missouri for over a Year On the Run -

Then the Judge Sentences - Shields to 99 years on statutory sodomy, 15 years for child molestation, life in prison for statutory rape and seven years for the second statutory rape conviction with the sentences to run consecutively. Again, if he was such a Threat to Society - WHY - WHY - didn't
Judge Dean (Dinky) Dankelson - put him in Jail until he Sentencing - -

Then why didn't Judge Dean (Dinky) Dankelson and the Prosecuting Attorney for Jasper County - have a Public Defender Represent Shields during Sentencing??? What a Bunch of Travesty of Errors - -

I Hope the Poor Child gets the help she deserves to someday overcome these Horrible and Heinous Acts perpetrated upon her.

So did Judge Dean (Dinky) Dankelson, the Prosecuting Attorney, and John Q. Public - Learn Anything - STOP BEING SOFT ON CRIMINALS AND CRIMES...

Anonymous said...

Notice there's no other entries on this thread except for 714. Wonder why. Could it be that the current excessively longwinded and poorly dictated entry at 714, and others like it, has consistently repulsed the reader into literal literary submission, and therefore, into a toxic brain splitting kind of hell. 714 would you Please get it on point sooner, and for heavens sake, shorter please!