Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Police escort Neosho R-5 assistant superintendent off campus

Neosho R-5 Assistant Superintendent Richie Fretwell reportedly received a police escort off the campus Tuesday morning, multiple sources told the Turner Report.

Fretwell did not go quietly, the sources said, saying he got on "the wrong side" of certain people.

Fretwell's departure was reportedly connected to district finances, but specifics were not available. 

Fretwell, who at one time was an assistant Neosho High School principal, returned to Neosho from Seneca when former Superintendent Jim Cummins brought him in as the assistant superintendent for operations in 2018. Fretwell, who served as high school principal under Cummins at Seneca, was one of Cummins' first hires.

Fretwell was one of two finalists for R-5 superintendent following Cummins' retirement.

The board opted to hire Jim Davis.

(Note: This post has been revised to note that Fretwell was Seneca High School principal and not assistant superintendent when he was hired by the Neosho R-5 School Districts in 2018.)


Anonymous said...

More Neosho drama. Can't stand for Carthage to get ahead in news coverage. This should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Bad start for the new school year and new admin.

Anonymous said...

Fretwell was the high school principal at Seneca, not assistant superintendent.

Anonymous said...

Jim Cummins sat back and allowed Fretwell to single handedly destroy the culture of the District by chasing off one good educator after good administrator after good coach over and over and over again…… just because they didn’t agree with him or care to belong to his inner social circle. This comes after the way too many numerous warnings and complaints coming out of Seneca! This couldn’t have happened to a better person and it’s great to see a leader finally working to make that place better by breaking up the cycle! Go Neosho!

Anonymous said...

No police were involved. Nor did this even take place on Tues.

Anonymous said...

I am not shocked at all.. Fretwell’s despicable behavior and Napoleon like attitude is well known throughout the facility, staff, and community in Neosho. I’m disappointed it was allowed to continue for so long. I would not be shocked if there is not a lot more to this story!!

Anonymous said...

This is long overdue. Those of us with children in this district have been silenced, bullied, punished and have experienced many repercussions ( on our children) for speaking up about the terrible truths allowed to take place in this district. Good for the school board for final cleaning house. Enough is enough. I know a few more "good ole boys" that should be getting nervous and probably need to get a resume together.

Anonymous said...

Not sure who you got your information from but you need to get the whole story before posting. The people who believe your lies are just as worthless as you!!

Anonymous said...

Not shocked in the least. The Neosho admin has been notorious for sweeping things under the rug. You have teachers who abuse kids and do drugs, athletes who are openly sharing on socials that they are doing hard drugs and yet they’re a star athlete so, under the rug it goes. It’s appalling.

Anonymous said...

6:17AM - Could you enlighten the rest of us on the - "Whole Story"?

Several People make Comments - always saying there is another side to the story - Yet always Fail to Elaborate on what the - "Whole Story" - is?

Anonymous said...

Turner you should be ashamed or yourself for spreading lies and fake news.

Anonymous said...

Not sure you have your facts correct here Randy.... As you, someone who was terminated from Joplin Schools and someone who had to also navigate the rumor mill surrounding your termination, one would think you would know better. Who knows, maybe all of the rumors about your termination were correct. Sleezy reporting at best.

Anonymous said...

This is what’s best for the Neosho community. The kids, school, parents, and teachers deserve so much more than someone like him and Jim Cummins in charge. They didn’t care about the well being of their students and staff, but how much money they make. I can tell you all kinds of stories that those two clowns made people “keep it hush hush” because they refuse to do their jobs. Or on the other hand, “you don’t have a name in this town” has came out of both of their mouths during much needed discussions. Good for Neosho for finally getting the trash out and starting over.

Anonymous said...

8:19 Hush is the key word. Neosho School and City of Neosho in tandem has ruined your town.

Anonymous said...

Whats really sad is the school district hasn't even let their district know Mr. Fretwell is no longer there. So how can this be the truth?

Anonymous said...

This is just poor journalism, as it implies criminal behavior and just repeats rumors regarding Mr. Fretwells behavior and reasons for his termination. If he was escorted by a school resource officer, that is just standard procedure when an employee has been terminated for any reason. He always asked, “Is it what’s best for kids?” when he was at Seneca. I have known him well and have nothing bad to say about him.

Anonymous said...

I will say this, Neosho has lost SO many great teachers and staff due to the Cummins/Fretwell/Manley era of rule! “All means all”?? Nope! Only if you carry the “correct” last name. Then, of course, they are all about it! I have high hopes for this new administration and NSD! Go Wildcats!

Anonymous said...

Neosho is full of the "correct" last name players. Definitely a crooked community down there.

Anonymous said...

Carl Junction had five football players use acid last season the night after a game and were allowed to play the next week after the police were involved.

Anonymous said...

Many people are saying!

Anonymous said...

Don’t know your source but there was no law enforcement involved. Trying to sell your worthless book I see! And to think you call yourself a journalist!

Anonymous said...

6:17AM and 7:38AM and 7:47AM - Could you enlighten the rest of us on the - "Whole Story" and/or the "Facts" and/or the "Lies"?

Several People make Comments - always saying there is another side to the story - Fake News, Not the Correct Facts, Lies, Etc., - Yet always Fail to Elaborate on what the - "Whole Story" - or their Understanding is?

If you know something - Post it to the Blog - Just don't make Hellacious Statements - and then go Radio Silent - when called upon to explain.

Anonymous said...

5:36, there are laws that dictate what can be released. People are not making hellacious statements. Turner missed on this one and put trust in a bad source.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Randy reached out to Mr. Fretwell today to get his side of the story.

Anonymous said...

Not Hellacious statements by 6:17,7:38 or 7:47. They aren't ignorant to the law surrounding the release of personnel information.

Anonymous said...

"Hellacious"....what else can you say?

Anonymous said...

Keep reporting this egregious bullcrap Randy. You're our man! The syndicate has arrived in Neosho and Newton County. Beware.

Anonymous said...

Why stop at Fretwell? Make it a clean sweep at Central office and throw in some poor leadership at buildings as well. How many more years can ineffective instructional coaches and substandard teachers drag Neosho down? Here's the chance for a fresh slate to make Neosho great again!

Anonymous said...

Hard to know the whole story when the school district still hasn't announced one.

Anonymous said...

Agreed 735, there are many teachers and most definitely coaches in the district who have no business working with kids. Only wish I could have a word with some of them.

Anonymous said...

The law restricts what the school district can release. Fretwell or anyone else can say what the want. If there's more to the story, these people can share it. That is unless they were involved with it as administration or the board.

Anonymous said...

The first time I met fretwell under his reign of terror. He told me if I didn’t make the hvac work for the board meeting and make him look good “heads were gonna roll”. Well sounds like his head rolled lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh... he wanted you to do the job you were hired for? That's a novel idea...

Anonymous said...

Here is a question I wish the local media or someone could answer, what is it with these people who work in school administration and I’m sure they’re salary is six figures and they all work together as game officials in football, basketball, baseball and softball. Do they not make enough in administration they feel the need to rake in more as refs?
And when they’re making on that extra money, does it get reported on their taxes. I spoke to one school about that subject and the school said they don’t know if the refs report it or not because they pay them cash out of the gate money each night so it might as well be money under the table.
I’m convinced most of them refs who work in this are are shady people especially the one who has been working for years and robbed two stores in Kansas City but apparently our local schools don’t do background checks on refs.

Anonymous said...

How do you know it was his job? Or that was an issue that could even be repaired in that time-frame?

What you're doing is called "victim shaming". You have no idea what the situation was, but the person who was treated wrongly was, according to you, at fault? Get a grip on reality.

I've personally witnessed Fretwell's BS. He protected his favorites, regardless of how poorly a job they were doing, and ran off a number of good staff due to his little-man syndrome.

Good riddance, as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

227 is a fretwell disciple. What a jerk.

Anonymous said...

I hope the new super takes a good hard look into some of the coaches for sure. It’s despicable what some get away with.

Anonymous said...

421 - Most ignorant thing I have read. Shortage on officials. It's on their own time. How they do their taxes or how you do yours is no business of mine. Market determines salaries. Sounds like jealousy more than anything. Why don't you try a different angle to make whatever point you are trying to make?
BTW, 6 figures is not hard to attain.

Anonymous said...

All I asked for was the media to do their job and ask questions. Investigate. That’s all. I doubt the local refs organization would open the books and allow an audit to make sure things are on the up and up. But it always seems strange that so many local administrators have a second job working games at night. I understand there is a shortage of refs but to have individuals with criminal records work games is an absolute disgrace. Please continue to defend criminals.

Anonymous said...

As a former sports official in the area who has been ostracized from the organization now, I was going to refrain from commenting but I think it is appropriate to add a few comments to those seeking answers.
It is true that many school administrators supplement their incomes by working as game officials, I never questioned the why, it’s not as if they needed the money due to their salaries and yes there is a lack of officials, but it’s not because of a lack of people wanting or willing to do it, it’s because of the association and it’s buddy/buddy network of doing business that has run off interested people. If you upset anyone in the officials association the assignor will either give the worst assignments or not assign games at all. The politics within the officials association are horrible. I’m surprised the state activities association has not been involved, investigated or at least received complaints about the how the officials association operates.
As far financials, every school pays its game officials differently. Same are paid by check a week or two later, some pay officials once a month and some pay cash immediately after a game. Most officials like cash immediately after a game because it is cash under the table and not traceable and no need to report on taxes. During my time as an official most of my game partners worked games as a side hustle and did not report revenues from officiating on their taxes. None of the local officials are good enough to do it as a full time job and make enough money to do it as a career. Where most officials are really taking advantage of the financial situation is mileage. All officials are paid by the schools mileage to and from games. But most officials travel to games in one vehicle and then all three (basketball) or all five (football) will turn in mileage making it a more profitable hustle. It’s not right but there is nothing that can be done about it. It’s just part of the shady business dealings of the officials in this area. They have found numerous ways to make it more profitable and over the years have pushed the school districts to increase the pay for game officials under the guise of an official shortage to the point now that baseball umpires are now making $95 a game. That’s $190 for a two-man crew to work a high game. By the time a two-man crew works a varsity/JV doubleheader they leave the ballpark with $190 each, costing the district $380 for umpires for a single night of work.
Finally, the question about backgrounds of game officials, unfortunately it is very true that the local association has guys who are working and have been working for years that have had multiple legal problems. Everything from armed robbery, to multiple DUI, to suspended drivers license, having been terminated from law enforcement jobs for unethical behavior, some have drug and alcohol backgrounds and others have a history of questionable financial dealings. If the association actually removed the members after conducting thorough background checks there actually would be a significant shortage of game officials.
Game officials should be held to a higher standard just like school administrators but unfortunately it’s not happening in Southwest Missouri.

Anonymous said...

Neosho male athletes have gotten away with some of the worst behaviors, many of which are illegal, for years. It might be a good time to start asking why Neosho school district is the ONLY school district in the area with a school police force. Crimes that happen on property how are those handled? How is this cost effective? Or is it for another reason?

Anonymous said...

Can anyone guess how many words 1046 just wrote? My guess is 712.

Anonymous said...

The character and integrity of local game officials is very suspicious. When school administrators, whom are supposed to be held to the highest of standards, are removed from their positions and are questioned about financial decisions it makes one wonder exactly how many others have questionable backgrounds.
There was no mention of the current sports official who was once a head football coach and baseball coach in this area who had an illicit affair with a high school student athlete but yet is still allowed to work around high school athletes?
Yet another has such a gambling problem that he has a lien on his home.
Then there is another game official who was a mayor of an area community who is a notorious alcoholic and as soon as he walks off the field whether it’s football or baseball he has a cooler of beer waiting for him in his vehicle and proceeds to drive home while drinking. I have literally watched him leave a football game on a Friday night from the parking lot throwing back a beer while pulling onto the road.

Anonymous said...

Who says it even happened?

Anonymous said...

Better take a look into the financial part of the athletic departments also. Seems to me like money goes missing way too much in that district. From what I’ve heard; football, girls basketball, and volleyball has had lots of money in accounts and it be spent on personal usages from coaches. Not to mention their youth teams also seeing the same actions..

Anonymous said...

A teacher at Neosho High School won't remain a teacher there if they give an athlete a failing grade on transcript.

Anonymous said...

The coaches I had at neosho were self indulged spineless wonders who accepted gifts from parents so their kid would play. None of my coaches gave a damn about us as kids, just used us and then discarded us. It's pathetic that these gutless "educators" of youth are given unfettered access to your kids emotional, relational, and intellectual development.

Anonymous said...

The irony in this whole situation is how just a few years ago Fretwell maligned the character of a principal by insinuating to every prospective employer that this person took inappropriately took monies. False. No evidence. No investigation. Just went out of his way to ruin this persons chance at be employed somewhere besides Neosho.
And here we come full circle - hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how that incompetent teacher is doing … the one who used to walk around Neosho high school and brag; I know people - I know Ritchie Fretwell. He’s got my back.

Not anymore.

Anonymous said...

The rat finally ate the poisonous part of the cheese, to bad this also didn’t happen to Cummins as well !! They seam to follow each everywhere!! Maybe Cummings can put him on his payroll at his consulting llc business. Consulting on school finance , leadership, and culture growth , mindset student emotional safety ! Student emotional safety “are you kidding me “ you two are the best at sweeping that kind of crap under the rug along with a bunch of other stuff! I know a few more that need to go as well . Let’s clean up some of this Neosho mess ! I’ve got a great idea …. Let’s start drug testing everyone that works for the district , my child was drug tested when they played school sports , so …. Let’s do it to the employees . How many will pass ? Hopefully with the new superintendent some of this will be turned around for the sake of the school district and the students . Remember what fretwell and Cummings has said “ no student left behind “ that’s a joke . It’s never been about the students or good employees that were ran off or still exist, it’s been all about you and how deep your pockets can get !! Glad both of you are gone ! I think the new superintendent is going to do just fine .

Anonymous said...

Is Fretwell gone or not?

Anonymous said...

Sources say, he has not been seen on campus.

Anonymous said...

Have looked everywhere for another news source to post about this? Any update?