Monday, June 27, 2005

GAO Taser report holds interest

It probably won't be long before area law enforcement agencies start getting hit with lawsuits over the use of Tasers. In fact, Tasers are mentioned, albeit briefly in former Newton County Jail inmate Oscar Alvarez' lawsuit against county officials.
Today, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Congress' investigative arm issued a report on Tasers, examining their use at seven agencies. Some recommendations concerning policies for the use of these weapons are included in the report, which can be found at the GAO website at:


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I guess I am unsure where you got there would be lawsuits from this report? It basically says that all the agencies had them in their policies. Nothing was said about them being bad or should not be used, unless you read something different than what I did.

  2. Sorry, I should have spelled it out more clearly. I can guarantee you there are a number of small law enforcement agencies using Tasers that do not have any kind of policy concerning their use...and that some of the ones who do have such policies will still have lawsuits coming from officers who don't abide by the policies, or who make errors in judgment.
