Friday, July 22, 2005

More problems for state revenue department

I hate to keep piling on the Missouri Department of Revenue, but this morning's Kansas City Star indicates the department has even more woes in addition to those it has had with its changeover to contract fee offices.
"About 1,500 Missouri motorists are driving around with new license plate numbers that belong to someone else," the article begins.
"The Department of Revenue acknowledged Thursday that it had printed 20,000 sets of duplicate license plates, 1,502 of which had already been distributed before officials learned of the mistake July 8."
The article says the Missouri Highway Patrol has been told about the problem. It is going to cost approximately $55,000 to correct, according to the Star.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I know of two people who have already been affected by this duplication, being pulled over because their plates did not match the make and model of the car that they drove. Although the fault was not theirs (that the Department of Revenue issued them duplicate plates) the problem cost them double because they then had to purchase new plates. What a scam!
