Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Columnist addresses Blunt-McCaskill squabble

Kansas City Star columnist Mike Hendricks has an excellent essay on the controversy brewing over Governor Matt Blunt's refusal to allow State Auditor Claire McCaskill to do performance audits of state departments and agencies.
Hendricks does not say that Blunt is necessarily wrong with his contention that the auditor does not have the legal right to conduct such audits, but he raises a valid point: Does Matt Blunt have any public relations skills whatsoever? His refusal to allow Ms.McCaskill to do the same kind of audits she conducted when the Democratic administration of Bob Holden was in power simply looks like the actions of a spoiled child with something to hide.
You can find the column at:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Linked over to the columnist's link. His reporting on the KS gov flap over the MO MD who retired his license reminded me of the appointment the gov made of the supporter who had a big time criminal record in IL. She had to resign.
