Thursday, August 25, 2005

Globe finally corrects Nodler misinformation

It took nearly a week but the Joplin Globe finally admitted it was wrong in its Gary Nodler editorial last week when it said that both Democrats and Republicans voted for the Medicaid cuts, when in fact it was a straight party line vote.
In today's edition, the Globe correction reads:
"An editorial Friday, Aug. 19, stated that members of both political parties in Missouri voted for cutting Medicaid. That was incorrect. No Democrats voted for the Medicaid bills."
This is one of those times where readers also need to know the source of that misinformation. Earlier in The Turner Report, I questioned if the information came directly from Nodler and his supporters. If that is the case, and what other logical explanation would account for such a flight from reality, then the Globe not only let its editorial policy be dictated by the senator, but it also failed the Journalism 101 credo to doublecheck your information.
Even worse, the Globe editorial board had no qualms about using this outright lie to discredit its own reporters' hard work.
It is a shame that Max McCoy, the Globe reporter who initially broke the story of Nodler's meltdown, cannot be assigned to investigate his own newspaper's editorial board.


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    I am sick to death of the collective Nodlers' telling their truth their way. They give a report to the media (Globe & AP), then when they realize that people don't like what they say & do, so they rush to release some damage control. When the damage control doesn't work, they rush to manipulate the releaser. All they do is bring pressure on anyone involved to either, make them put out favorable reports or ruin their credibility. Shame, shame, shame on you Nodlers. As for you Joplin Globe, you have no business bending over for the likes of NODLER. If you are going to retract, or reword, or go on to include extraneous information, you are telling us that all the honor in Max McCoy is wasted here in Joplin. By the way Globe, why did you publish that caretakers address, you certainly didn't publish Nodlers? I wonder if he is also receiving unwanted/unknown guests. We need a local newspaper that is proud to stand behind their publication, stand up, and face the creeps like Nodler head on, that little 20 year old girl, and she sure isn't changing her story every week!!!

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Poor headline. the Globe editorial had some missinformation about votes on Mrdicaid. Their was no Nodler misinformation in the editorial. it seems that this is Turner misinformation!

  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Poor headline. the Globe editorial had some misinformation about votes on Medicaid. There was no Nodler misinformation in the editorial. it seems that this is Turner misinformation!

  4. There is nothing wrong with the headline. In the first place, it indicates that the misinformation occurred in an editorial about Nodler. And, of course, we still don't know for sure the source of the Globe's misinformation. I find it hard to believe that the writer simply said that both Democrats and Republicans voted to cut Medicaid without looking it up to make sure. What does make sense is that the writer would do it if the information came from a source who would know how that vote other words, someone who was there when it took place.

  5. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Wrong Randy, You said Nodler Misinformation, grammatically it is an accusation that Nodler gave misinformation and it adds up to Turner misinformation. As to your feelings about the source of the information, are you a newsblog or a Ouija board?
