Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Blunt praise somewhat misplaced

Governor Matt Blunt patted the backs of Missouri Department of Revenue workers today, issuing a press release, praising them for not complaining about the new hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the department.
The workers handled nearly 20,000 calls during the extra hours, the news release said. Of course, with all of the inexperienced people who are running license fee offices and all of the questions I am sure they had over the ridiculous amount of paperwork Missourians are required to submit to prove they are legal citizens.
The news release included this little quote: "I have been very pleased with the department’s extended hours strategy," said department Director Trish Vincent. "I've been saying this for months, but this underscores the point: Customer service is our number one priority, and adjusting to fit our customers' needs is making us a better organization."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Ah yes, the privatizatoin of the DOR!

    Here's my story:
    I sold a boat and trailer on July 21, received cash payment from the individual, signed over the title--correctly, waved good by and hoped they had fun at the lake.
    Last week, I received a title and boat registration to the boat.

    I called COR, they said that couldn't ahve happened. I don't know who I sold the boat to, other thatn the fact they live in Marshfield.

    I got no idea how to find out who bought it.

    Somewhere out there someone has a boat and is wondering where the heck the title is!
