Thursday, September 08, 2005

It has been rather hectic these past few weeks with the beginning of school, including the start of Journalism Club, which I sponsor, and Quiz Bowl, which I co-sponsor. On top of that, Natural Disaster has been practicing for the Newtonia Fall Festival, which is detailed in an earlier post, and I have been working on revisions for my novel, "Small Town News," which was also featured in an earlier post.
With all of that going on, The Turner Report has not included quite as many items since mid-August. Hopefully, with the revisions done and the Fall Festival over after Saturday, I will be able to get back to writing a bit more. Thanks for your patience.
I mentioned the Journalism Club above. We have met a couple of times (and our third meeting is scheduled today after school). We have approximately 15 members this year, with more set to join when their football and volleyball seasons end. It's a good group and its articles and features will be on my class and club website, A link to that page is on the links bar on the right hand side of this page. We don't have much on there yet, but there will be plenty added in the next few weeks.

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