Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lindsey loses out on Nebraska position

Police Chief Kevin Lindsey may leave Joplin in the near future, but it apparently won't be for Grand Island, Neb.
Today's Grand Island Independent reports that Lindsey, one of the three finalists for the city's police chief post, was passed over for Steve Lamken, director of the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center, who was selected by the mayor. The Turner Report was the first local media outlet to reveal that Lindsey was a finalist for the position.
This blog also was the first local outlet to note, in a Sept. 14 post, that Lindsey is one of 25 finalists for the Springdale, Ark., police chief job.


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    It would be most helpful if your blog could explain why Chief Lindsey wants out after a few short years. Is Joplin too unfriendly a place to be? Could it be the City Manager perhaps? Our City Council should not allow Mark Rohr to push him out. Lindsey has done more for this community than the last two chiefs put together. The force is well respected, they work well with everyone and aren't afraid of the local newspaper or television stations. Lindsey needs to tell Rohr and the council to suck it up because he's going to be around for a while. He should make them fire him if they don't like him. He'd certainly get a huge settlement from them. It's written into his contract!

  2. Anonymous3:31 AM

    How long has Lindsey been in Joplin? Why does he seem to suddenly want out? Or is there something about Joplin that dooms it to be a bullet point on a resume?
