Monday, September 26, 2005

'Small Town News' website set up

The publication of my novel, "Small Town News" is only a few days away. Those wanting to find out more about it can check out the new Small Town News website at . A link has been set up at the top of the links panel on the right hand side of this page.
To review some basic information that is not on the website:
I was inspired to write "Small Town News" after the death of Dr. Greg Smith, the superintendent who hired me to teach creative writing at Diamond Middle School in August 1999. I was always disturbed by the ease with which some local media linked Dr. Smith's disappearance and the robbery at the Diamond bank, which occurred on the same day...even after it was proven that he had nothing to do with that robbery. I was bothered by the way Dr. Smith's family was treated and I decided in the spring of 2002 that I would write a novel based on those events.
I have always loved to write murder mysteries, so the story has been heavily fictionalized, taking only the basic premise, then sending it off in some different directions than what happened in reality.
The book has considerable differences from the e-book version that circulated three years ago.
The publisher is IUniverse and yes, that is a print-on-demand company and I am paying a small amount to have it set up. This is not a John Grisham or J. K. Rowling deal. I had five publishers and two agents tell me that the book was good, and encouraged me to keep trying to get it published, but it is almost impossible to get published they told me, unless you are one of the two authors named above, or someone with the notoriety of a Paris Hilton or a Pamela Anderson. The reaction surprised me, since the last time I tried to sell a book, 26 years ago, all I received from publishers were form rejection letters. This led me to believe that I might have something a little more substantial on my hands.
My hope is to sell enough to make the novel a viable project for a larger publishing company, and my deal with IUniverse permits that step to be taken at any time that an offer is made to me.
I will update everyone, both on this page and on the Small Town News website when the book is officially available.
Thanks to everyone who has asked me for more information on the book. Your support has been much appreciated.


  1. Congratulations on the publication of your novel.

    As a writer myself, however, I have to disagree that it is impossible to get published unless your name is is possible and indeed probable to be published by a traditional publisher.

    Best of luck, however, perhaps this can be a springboard to bigger and greater things!

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I purchased the Ebook and loved it! I am not a reader, but found myself taking my 3-ring binder everywhere I went until I finished the book. Randy, I'm looking forward to purchasing the published version.

  3. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Congratulations, Mr. T, and I love the picture that's on the website (will it be on the back cover?) :-) I'm going to pick up at least one copy when it comes out...

  4. Yes, that photo will be on the back cover. I have been telling everyone that the picture on the front cover was me 25 years ago, but for some reason no one believes me.
