Monday, September 05, 2005

Today is anniversary of Munich murders

Thirty-three years ago today, 11 Israeli athletes were murdered by Palestinian terrorists at the Munich Olympics. I remember watching as the drama unfolded and being especially impressed by the work of two reporters during that time.
Jim McKay of ABC Sports had no problems whatsoever with moving from sports to the hardest of hard news, while I have always believed this is the story that showed just how skillful a journalist Peter Jennings was.
The way those two maintained their composure under the gravest of circumstances would be a great example for CNN's Anderson Cooper, Fox News Channel's Geraldo Rivera, and others who seem to be turning Katrina into a showcase for how emotional they can get during a broadcast. Viewers can see the emotion from the people whose lives have been devastated by Katrina. They don't need it from the people whose job is to provide information.

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