Sunday, October 16, 2005

News-Leader on target with drug testing editorial

The Nixa School Board is contemplating drug tests for teachers. I am so tired of hearing the argument, well, if they don't have anything to hide why shouldn't they take the tests?
These are the same people who are willing to have all of our civil liberties taken away from us so they can be protected against terrorists. Random drug testing, whether it be for students or teachers, is wrong. On its editorial page today, the Springfield News-Leader hit it right on the money and quite rightly asked where the complaining teachers were when drug testing was initially proposed for teachers.
Drug testing is wrong; the whole concept of people having to prove they are innocent is against everything Americans believe in.


  1. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Guilty until proven innocent is becoming acceptable. It requires less work on the part of the accuser and to put it bluntly, some people really prefer to think the worst of others. Maybe they think that makes them superior, their own mistakes lessen in comparison?

    I also sometimes wonder if the fact that the business sector employs that philosophy also contributes to the ease and comfort in thinking that there's nothing wrong with guilty until proven innocent.

    Stores that have cameras that can see your every movement in every part of their store also feel compelled to have someone checking your cash register receipt against your cart to make sure you aren't stealing from them?

  2. Anonymous4:08 AM

    I will be very happy to take a drug test every month, as long as every person in the White House does the same (and that definately includes Bush).

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    That is a fairly embarassing seems funny how that is the first one people pull out when they bring up drug testing. Randy, you should know that the Constitution does not apply to children they way it does adults nor should it. There is no arguement here.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The Constitution may not apply to children but it sure as hell applies to teacher, which is what this is all about.

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I'm not sure that "drug testing" is wrong but I do know that drugs are wrong. Drug testing is the only way to find out who is taking them.

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The previous posting shows poor logic. Using that line of thinking, we should all have to submit DNA samples because rape and murder are wrong and this way we can find out who committed those crimes that are unsolved. It is an invasion of our privacy and an assumption of guilt. Don't let them brainwash you into believing it's OK to have to prove your innocence.

  7. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I'd submit to it right behind the superintendent and principals!

  8. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Just because YOU think somebody's post is poor logic doesn't mean it is.

  9. Anonymous12:44 PM

    That's amazing. Do you think principals and superintendents would have any problem submitting to drug testing. I can guarantee that mine wouldn't. That statement just doesn't make sense. That seems to be brought up over and over and statistics show us that it is the youth who are the vast majority os users. Test me every day....I don't care. I want to know if my son or daughter is taking drugs period. I will fight this battle until they put me in the ground. Think a little bit people. Reading someone else's diary is an invasion of privacy. Drug testing is a deterrent. There are two different things at work here.

  10. Anonymous3:30 PM

    You keep missing the point. Guilty until you can prove yourself innocent is NOT in the Constitution. Our forefathers considered "guilty until proven innocent" to be an anathema for good reason. They experienced it directly.

    Drug testing is only a tiny portion of this picture. I continue to be fascinated at how people focus all of their attention on drug testing while completely missing one of the basic principles of our country and our freedom.

    I happen to like the analogy about DNA but since you appear to be ready to ignore it, maybe another analogy would be to say that if you own a gun, we need to be able to force you bring it in for analysis of rifling because you may have used that gun in a crime and we need proof?

  11. Anonymous5:48 PM

    It sounds like to me since you are so bent on coming against those in favor of drug testing that you have something to hide! You may need a drug test AND a DNA test.

  12. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I believe that YOU are just missing the point. I am totally fine with the DNA. How is that saying that you are guilty? That is taking precautionary steps to prevent crime...I am all for it. As for the gun testing....if there is a crime committed why would you not require it to be brought in? If it were your mother, father, brother, or sister tht was killed with a gun I suspect you may have a different view on this matter. As for the Constitution, it is old and outdated....hence the AMENDMENTS. You want to talk about founding fathers...well they knew times would change and that this document would need amended. That is why there is an amendment clause. They also did not live in a time of meth, cocaine, automatic and semi-automatic handguns and so on. You just don't get the big picture.

  13. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Actually YOU are missing the point. And the point IS...I don't
    give a rip WHAT you think about the matter and I don't give a rip that YOU think I don't get the big picture. You come on here and criticize other people's opinions. THAT'S why I told you in the first place that just because YOU think a post has poor logic doesn't mean it's true. Like..WHO do you think YOU are??? So in other words, I am done discussing the matter with you because I DON'T CARE WHAT your opinion on the matter IS! So don't bother to argue your point with someone who is NOT interested. You would probably get more people to listen to "your" views IF you weren't so critical of other's views.

  14. Anonymous2:45 AM


  15. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Apparently I got under your skin a little bit? LOL. You seem a little flustered and unable to answer intelligently. Sorry you are so upset about this topic. I am merely stating MY opinion after YOU were so critical of me. Love they neighbor!LOL.

  16. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Oh, and actually I didn't make the post about poor logic. That was someone else...I do concur with them however. LOL.

  17. Anonymous8:30 AM

    You say love "they" neighbor??? What about correct spelling? Not very intelligent. lol Talk about getting under skin??? Apparently I am getting under yours because you keep answering. LOL

  18. Anonymous9:53 AM

    So we are going to talk about typos now? Is that all you have? I am disappointed, I expected a little more. And, if I remember correctly, you childishly said:
    "So in other words, I am done discussing the matter with you because I DON'T CARE WHAT your opinion on the matter IS! So don't bother to argue your point with someone who is NOT interested." But you continue to reply. Calm down and find a happy place.

  19. Anonymous10:41 AM

    You are the one childish & unhappy or you wouldn't be going around attacking other people's posts. Get a life.

  20. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Hehe. I love it. Can't take the heat, get out of the proverbial kitchen.

  21. Anonymous3:04 PM

    drugs are bad,,,mmkay..

    on a more serious note; they shouldnt be illegal in the first place

  22. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Yeah, we need more crackheads and meth addicts on the street. Great addition to the topic.

  23. Anonymous8:09 PM

    glad you see things my way....
