Saturday, October 15, 2005

No shipping costs for 'Small Town News' when ordered at Hastings

I apologize to those who have ordered "Small Town News" through Books-A-Million. I did not realize until a few days ago that the store will not order it, have it come to the store, and let people come to pick it up without paying shipping costs.
In fact, Books-A-Million makes the reader order the book, have it sent to their house and the reader is stuck with the shipping costs. I have not quite figured out what it is that Books-A-Million does that makes it any different than just ordering the book through or through IUniverse.
I just finished a conversation with the book manager at the Hastings store in Joplin, who tells me that the book can be ordered there and it will be sent directly to the store, where the reader can pick it up without footing the bill for shipping costs. The only negative is the turnaround time for delivery which is about three to five weeks, he told me.
I have an appointment set up with him for a week from today to discuss having the book placed in the store and perhaps conducting a signing either next month or in early December. I will let you know what happens.
A big thanks to Ron Davis for his mention of "Small Town News" today in his blog "Chatter."


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    You might check with fellow EN grad- John Davidson at Changing Hands Books & Games to see what he can do. He loves to promote local authors.

  2. You're right. He is very supportive of local authors. I have talked with John and plan to set something up with him.
