Monday, December 12, 2005

Diamond superintendent completes defensive driving course

In an earlier Turner Report entry, it was mentioned that Diamond R-4 Superintendent Mark Mayo had been stopped for speeding, but no further information was available at that time.
I finally have the information. According to Lawrence County Circuit Court records, Mayo pleaded guilty to speeding (11-15 miles per hour over the limit) and in exchange for not having points taken from his license, he agreed to take defensive driving school, which he successfully completed. He also paid a $46.50 fine.


  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Who cares? Stay out of his life. "Lame Blog Writer Gets Speeding Ticket"...about the same.

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I typically like your stories, but come on - so, Mayo got a speeding ticket and the court allows for ANYONE getting this type of ticket to save themselves the additional insurance cost of taking the class. He paid the price for speeding, wasn't caught in a DUI or stealing, so leave it alone.

  3. Sorry, but for those who attended Carthage City Council meetings when Mayo was a member and watched as he arrived 15 to 20 minutes late, then held up the meeting by asking question after question that had already been answered, the concept of Mayo speeding to get somewhere on time or early is noteworthy.
    And for those of us who were there when Mayo took a successfully operating school at Diamond. twisted facts and ran off most of the faculty, while making the district a laughingstock in southwest Missouri, there is no reason to cut him any slack about anything.
    I would probably not run an item about any other public official getting a speeding ticket, but Mayo will always be an exception.

  4. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I've never laughed at the Diamond School District. I don't think your defense was very good, sorry.

  5. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Why not have any of your students read your response and have them judge if what you are writing, is fair.
    Some people are poor managers and as an employee, you have the right to leave the position or not vote for them if they are in an elected position. But to ride a guy because he gets a speeding ticket and then admit "there is no reason to cut him any slack about anything", is probably the way your middle-school children would re-act, not an adult journalist.
