Saturday, December 31, 2005

Favorite of the Four States

I wasn't aware until a couple of readers mentioned it to me that The Turner Report was listed in the "Local Website" category in annual "Favorites of the Four States" printed in Section A of today's Joplin Globe.
Those selected were listed in alphabetical order, which is fine with me. I am perfectly content to share honors with (Even though the Globe managed to put the URL for its website in and failed to mention the address for The Turner Report.)
Nonetheless, I appreciate those who thought enough of this blog to vote for it. At this time last year, The Turner Report had a very small, but loyal, following, much of it centered around Lamar, Neosho, and Diamond. The site normally received between 30 and 50 unique visitors per day, according to the counter services I use.
My weekday totals have ranged from 350 to 700 over the past few months, with another 200 to 300 checking in on Saturdays and Sundays. If I recall, last year, the Globe's website was joined by, so again, thanks to all of the readers who voted for The Turner Report.
On the other hand, you have to love the nerve of the Globe to run a favorite of the four states listing for "Local TV News" then list the three winners in alphabetical order. If this is going to mean something, other than a method of generating revenue, list them in order and let the readers argue about the results.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Dude, that's what all "Favorites of ..." lists are -- a way to generate ad revenue. If anyone believes anything else, he or she is reality impaired.

    Also, at the Globe, the advertising department handles the favorites stuff; the news room has nothing to do with the selection of the winners nor the order in which they're listed. Suck it up.
