Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Paothong tabbed for Missouri Conservationist post

Springfield News-Leader photographer Noppadol Paothong, whom those in the Joplin area will remember as a staff photographer for the Joplin Globe and earlier for Missouri Southern State University's Chart, has been hired as the new staff photographer at the Missouri Conservationist, beating out 150 applicants for the position, according to information received by The Turner Report.
Paothong is one of the best photographers to ever work in this area and I had the good fortune of having him do some sports photography for me about eight years ago.
Paothong is replacing Jim Rathert, who had been the Conservationist's staff photographer for more than two decades.
Paothong, a native of Thailand, came to the United States in 1993 to study graphic arts before switching to journalism. He is a graduate of MSSU. Paothong and former Missouri Department of Conservation staff writer Joel Vance are collaborating on a book about the prairie chicken in North America.
Those interested in viewing Noppadol's work should go to his website. It is definitely worth a visit.


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Congratulations! Nop is definitely one of the best photographers (and nicest guys) around. I have sent my subscription request to Missouri Conservationist and look forward to seeing a lot of great stuff...at least until National Geographic sees his pix.

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    This is a dream job for someone with Nop's skills and interests. I've had a subscription to the Conservationist for years and photos are a strong suit. I've also watched Nop work up close and this is a great match for him and the magazine. Congrats Nop.

  3. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I will also subscrube to the Conservationist to enjoy Nop's world-class wildlife photography every month.
