Thursday, February 09, 2006

Blunt misses out on Hall of Shame

The good news for Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt is he failed to make Public Citizen's Hall of Shame. The bad news: He received dishonorable mention.
The public interest group today named five legislators, four Republicans and one Democrat, to their Hall of Shame. Blunt and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist were runners-up.
In its news release, Public Citizen said of Blunt: "House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) Slipped a favor for a major tobacco company into legislation creating the Department of Homeland Security but withdrew it after getting caught." Of course, the reference is to Phillip Morris, the company that employs Blunt's new wife and his son as lobbyists.


  1. Anonymous5:50 PM

    OK - so tell me. How "new" do you have to be to be "Blunt's 'new' wife" ? And why is that even relevant to the story? If the word "new" is to imply that Blunt is a womanizer who left his "old" wife for the "new" wife, then what is your point? How are his (alleged) pecadillos relevant to his possible misdeeds in legislation and pandering to special interests? Is this "new" wife one of those special interests? If not, why does it matter that his "new" wife is "new?" Just wondering. That is the problem with colorful journalism. It often leads one to add 2 plus 2 and come up with 22. The word "new" begs for connotation. So, Randy, aren't you glad I'm reading your blog? LOL

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Draft Kreider for US Congress

    URGENT PUBLIC NOTICE: By the hour, more people are joining the campaign to defeat Roy Blunt . . . if you want to help, please send us your contact information at . . . your contact info will be listed next week along with our update of new volunteers - - we are approaching 1,000 Team Captains, to be listed next week . . .

    Howard Dean emails about Kreider!
    February 8, 2006

    Emergency Notice Draft Kreider needs to raise some money---we need to order 500 more yard signs to put out across the 10 counties of southwest Missouri.

    Please make a contribution by going to

    Contributions can be made by credit card or by mailing them to:

    Draft Kreider US Congress
    2010 East Page D22
    Springfield MO 65802

    Write Howard Dean at: Democratic National Committee
    430 S. Capitol St. SE
    Washington, DC 20003
    Main Phone Number: 202-863-8000

    Write Roger Wilson at: The Missouri Democratic Party Headquarters
    208 Madison Street
    PO Box 719
    Jefferson City, MO 65102
    Phone (573) 636-5241
    Fax (573) 634-8176

    Tell them that Jim Kreider has said that he will run if he has a million in pledges. Southwest Missouri could swing the Governor’s Mansion back to the Democrats in 2008 . . . but only if we GET ACTIVE!!!

    Every four years we are losing the Presidential Race in Missouri because of low party visibility in Southwest Missouri. We ask the National Democratic Party to pledge $250,000 and the Missouri State Democratic Party Pledge $100,000 to a Jim Kreider for Congress Campaign. A Jim Kreider campaign could get a Democrat elected to U.S. Congress while organizing Democrats all across Southwest Missouri.

    If they do not respond to the people the blood will be on Mr. Dean’s and Mr. Wilson’s hands when we lose the U.S. Senate Seat in Missouri this year, and the gubernatorial and presidential races again in 2008.

    The proof is starting to come in --- hard and fast --- and when all the evidence is in --- it will show that Jim Kreider will win in November!

    Speak out now and say Kreider needs to run for the half million people in Southwest Missouri and the nation!

    EVEN REPUBLICANS in Roy Blunt’s congressional district want him voted out of office!

    The Real Story of Blunt's Fall the tie to Delay and Abramoff
    Post-Abramoff Mood Shaped Vote for DeLay's Successor

    Click here to read the full Washington Post article:

    Check out the comments from Craig Hosmer, chairman of the Greene County Democrats:

    Craig Hosmer, chairman of the Democratic Party in Blunt's native Greene County, said the setback may motivate more Democrats to consider campaigning against Blunt in November for a seat that the five-term Republican has generally won by a wide margin.

    "This certainly changes things. It's obviously a snub to him to not be elevated in the chain of commend to be leader," Hosmer said.

    Read the full article at The Kansas City Star:

    Draft Kreider
    Makes Roll Call

    Read the whole article:

    The entire article may be viewed at:
