Sunday, February 26, 2006

Shopping with Roy Blunt

The Washingtonian's Capital Comment column featured an item about Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt this week. In the section called "Spotted," this is what the columnist said had been spotted:

"The man who was almost House majority leader, Roy Blunt, shopping with his wife at the 'social' Safeway in Georgetown amid a phalanx of security officers. Our reporter observed, 'If he only wants a basket of groceries, wouldn't it make sense to send one agent in to get it rather than securing the whole store?' "


  1. Um, why does Roy need security guards? And are they paid for by tax dollars, or by Roy?

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Inconsiderate? Self Centered? What else can you expect from a guy who throws away a wife who stood by him for over three decades and literally climbs into bed with a lobbist, or maybe he did it the other way round. Anyway, vote for Roy because he will protect "family values" for you and yours.

  3. Maybe Phillip Morris pays for them?

  4. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Good point Seth, she is definately a hell of a lot more important than Roy is.

  5. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Why would they need that kind of security? I just don't get it. A little self esteem is one thing but I think they think a little more of themselves than anyone else does.

  6. Anonymous2:50 PM

    He walks like a crook, he talks like a crook, he acts like a crook...
