Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Blunt's name removed from Missouri lobbyist list

As of March 1, Amy Blunt, sister of Missouri Governor Matt Blunt and daughter of Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt, is no longer serving as a lobbyist in this state, according to Missouri Ethics Commission records.
Prior to that time, Ms. Blunt had served as a lobbyist for only one interest, Diagnostic Imaging Centers of Kansas City, and had never recorded any gifts for state legislators.
The only Blunt whose name is on the lobbyist list now is Amy and Matt's brother, Andrew, who has an impressive roster of clients. Amy Blunt's lobbying disclosure forms are still available on the Ethics Commission website and her February report is due by the end of this month.


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Wherefore art thou's critique of the handling of the demise of the arena?

  2. Anonymous4:31 PM

    to the previous comment, we are in southwest missouri, we ( or at least ,i,) don't understand your response. would you care to put it in real words?
