Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Daily broadens its horizons

The idea of an all-Joplin newspaper to compete with the Globe is an attractive one, but in reality the concept has its limitations.
By broadening its horizons, Liberty Group Publishing's Joplin Daily can turn itself into a more effective challenger to the stodgy Globe. That process started in Sunday's print edition with Michelle Pippin's page-one article about Operation Iraqi Freedom.
By remembering that Joplin is not an isolated island, but connects with the rest of the world, the Daily turned out one of its best print editions. Pippin's story and the photos that were provided to accompany it marked the first time that the Daily has grabbed my attention since it began.
If the page one story had been the only contribution Ms. Pippin made to the issue, it would have been more than enough. She topped it with her page-four column, as she personalized the news. Note, I said she personalized it; I did not say she made herself the story as some Liberty columnists do on a regular basis. By personalizing it the way she did, Ms. Pippin was able to hook the reader immediately and she never let go. This is the kind of column that should be a staple for the newly-minted competitor, rather than a rarity.
Ms. Pippin was not the only one who shined in Sunday's edition. Levi Payton had two well-written sports features, with the standout being a feature on Jonna Brothers, a McAuley High School soccer player who has returned to competition following brain surgery.
The newspaper still has a long way to go, but this one has been the best advertisement for yet.


  1. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I have always been a big fan of Michelle Pippin and enjoy her articles very much. She has a unique way of getting to the heart of a story. Her warm, genuine, caring and friendly personality help compliment her writing skills. I always appreciate how much time and effort she spends to seek out those untold stories of our area. She definately has a nose for news! Michelle, YOU'RE THE BEST! Keep up the great work!

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Dear Randy and "anonymous,"
    Thanks MUCH for the accolades. In all modesty, it's hard to write a "bad" soldier story - especially when you're as passionate about the U.S. soldier as I am.
    I agree...Joplin is not its own universe. We are connectively linked to hot-button topics all around the world, and I cherish every opportunity I have to demonstrate that fact to readers!
    Thanks again for the kind words...especially you, "anonymous." I can't say I always do my best, but I always try!
    P.S. we HAVE to have my picture up there though. Ug!
    Thanks again. Keep reading! You never know what's coming out of the shoot next!

  3. I like the picture and I haven't had any of the complaints I had when I ran John's picture.

  4. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Never, ever run John's picture again. Thank you.

    The world

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Michelle is a fine reporter who did a top-notch job for us during her stint at the Neosho Daily News. Her dedication is unparalleled and her caring and friendly personality is the real deal. Her accolades are much deserved. Michelle, you did an excellent job on your column and story this week. Keep up the good work!

  6. I thought she looked familiar! Michelle is the reporter who covered that board meeting about Mr. Turner, right? I think she interviewed me about it...Anyways, congrats!
