Monday, March 20, 2006

A face made for radio

The headline describes how I have always viewed the nightmare that I see in the mirror when I shave each morning, but that face will be on television next week in the Springfield area.
Today,I taped a half-hour segment of "Street Talk," a cable access program devoted to discussion of Springfield and southwest Missouri issues. It was my first opportunity to meet some of Springfield's top bloggers, including the program's host, Ron Davis, the one-time ace investigative reporter for the Springfield News-Leader, whose Chatter blog scooped area media (including this blog) last summer with the information that Sen. Gary Nodler was watching "Fantastic Four" for free at Northstar Theater, when he had his infamous meltdown with the caretaker for a group of developmentally disabled people.
In addition to Davis, I met Larry Burkum, Amy Sholtis, Ryan Piotrowski, and Gerald Fowler, whose efforts make "Street Talk" possible.
The program, which will be available at the Street Talk website sometime next week, included a discussion of the woeful state of affairs for Democrats in southwest Missouri, the influence lobbyists have over state officials, and of course, a plug or two for my novel, "Small Town News."
All in all, it was a pleasant way to spend the first weekday of my spring break. Thanks to the "Street Talk" folks for inviting me.
Speaking of the Chatter blog: Ron Davis notes this year is the 50th anniversary of Charlie Brown's election as Seventh District congressman, the last time a Democrat was elected to that post. Davis also talks about the apparent decision by Jim Kreider not to seek the post, and he criticizes Roy Blunt's dealings with special interests. It's a thoughtful, provocative column.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    "Ron Davis, the one-time ace investigative reporter"

    Who ws NEVER any good at hiding his polictical bias in his writing...
