Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Magazine's sexiest newslady poll includes Maddox, DeNardo

Twenty female newscasters, including the current and former co-hosts of KODE's Good Morning Four States, are included a poll by FHM magazine to determine who is TV's sexiest newslady.
A reader sent me the link, and the FHM page features photos of current Good Morning Four States co-anchor Antonia DeNardo, along with one of her predecessors, Malorie Maddox, currently the morning show anchor at WOWT in Omaha (where he co-anchor is her former 5, 6 and 10 p.m. co-anchor at KODE Jimmy Siedlecki).
The two are featured along with other local and network anchors.
I am not sure this is something that should be treated as a positive, since the idea of this contest seems to add to the concept of television news as a triumph over style over substance.


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I think it is probably a little degrading to these women. Its not like they ASKED or ENTERED into this contest, right? That's pretty unfair to them, because I'm sure they'd rather be noted for their skills and not their looks.

  2. No kidding. Heaven forbid women get noticed for genuine talent as opposed to sex appeal. (though I can't say that it hasn't been done to men as well, but I've noticed it a lot more with women...)

  3. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Please, this is the best thing that can happen to any journalist's career. America loves cute more than hard-working. Exhibit A: Arthur Kent. He stood around in battle casual clothing and breathlessly reported on nothing. When they paid him millions and sent him to do real reporting, he crumbled, and where is he now? Seriously, where is he?

    Helen Thomas could have retired 40 years ago if she didn't look like a water-logged apricot.

    In five years a body-shaping class will be a perequisite for college broadcast journalism majors.

    "A group photo of the top ten journalists on any given day is a monument to human ugliness." - Hunter S. Thompson

  4. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Who cares about the bad news as long as you hear it coming from the sweet sexy face of Denardo...good way to start the day

  5. I don't think the issue was whether it's good for their career or not. Sadly enough, it probably will be, especially for whoever wins it. The issue was that it's degrading. But hey, what can you expect from a site that has ads like the one that has strewn all over it?

  6. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Nobody in television news is in it for the nobility of journalism. They want to be famous and/or rich.

  7. Anonymous9:57 PM

    The most beautiful infobabe out there is Melissa Theuriau. No contest.

  8. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Did you notice that almost all the TV girls on the FHM site have the same hair? It's creepy!

  9. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Yeah, they did all kind of look alike. You could tell from some of those photo's that the girls were going for the sex appeal factor when their photo was taken. Not true of Malorie or Antonia, I though their photo's were very conservitive and they both looked very "wholesome," I guess it probably depends a lot what market your in. The good thing is we know for sure that Malorie has brains behind her beauty.

  10. Anonymous12:34 PM

    So where are Toni Valliere and Tiffany Alaniz from KSN?

    Aren't they included?

  11. Anonymous1:25 PM

    As shocking as it is they are not beauties like the ones picked in the magazine. Toni is very pretty in the girl next door kinda way, she is an all American girl but not edgy. And Tiffany, she has a great voice, I enjoy her being on the radio every day.

  12. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Is there any hope of a bathing suit competition coming out of this????

  13. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Tiffany Alaniz is by far the prettier and sexier than either maddox or denardo.

  14. Anonymous9:18 PM

    shut up brad douglas

  15. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Tiffany Alaniz looks like a mouse!
